Saturday, May 23, 2009

Update and Movie Review

I think I have a bladder infection. Maybe that's why this sickness has lasted so long. I'm not sure what it is but I think I have a little blood in my urine and I really need to see a doctor. I shouldn't have put if off for so long. When I was at DRA they tested my urine for something and found out I had a bladder infection. I had no idea. I don't usually get any burning sensation when I pee when I get them so I never know I have them. They gave me antibiotics and it didn't clear up so I had to take a stronger dose until it cleared up. But it kept coming back. When I moved to Cali, I had one and had to get some meds for it. Before we got married though, I had a bad one. I had a fever and was so sick from it. So now I am thinking that I had one and didn't know about it. Now it's to the point of peeing with a little blood. Sorry that's so nasty. I bought a jug of cranberry juice and plan on drinking that tonight. And buying a few more and drinking one a day until I can go in to the clinic. The rest of me feels better. So I am happy about that.
I went to see the new Terminator Salvation and it was freakin awesome. Christian Bale did such a great job. He is a really good actor. He gets so into his roles! You need to see this. Just make sure you at least watch the first 2 Terminators first. The third one is okay so I would watch those too. It will help understand the movie a lot. I can't wait to see the new Wolverine movie too. That will be the next movie we go to. I've heard mixed reviews about that though. I know I'll like it anyway. Not a lot of people liked the third X-Men movie but I still liked it and own it. I've just heard that the story line is choppy and they try to fit in too much in a short amount of time. But I still can't wait to see it.


Unknown said...

going to see terminator tomorrow. check me out if you would like.

Kevin and Natali McKee said...

I usually always have blood in my urine as well but it isn't from an infection. They have suspected an infection and just treated me for it without doing a culture. That is the only way to know if you really have an infection, is if bacteria grows. I haven't found out why I have blood in my urine yet. Also, if you had a fever that one time, it means it went to your kidneys (if the fever was from the bladder infection). This is all stuff we deal with Abby, but fever and bacterial growth in urine (not necessarily just blood) equal the kidney infection. Some doctor offices will let you set up a payment plan so you can see the Doctor now and not have to wait. I'd call around and ask them if they have any payment options for hardship and find one and try and get seen in a few days. Make sure that if you do have blood in your urine, that it is sent out for a culture, that way you aren't wasting your money in antibiotics if it isn't going to help anything.