Wednesday, December 31, 2008

so I just saw this kid riding a unicycle thing. It had a regular bike tire but it was lifted higher than a big truck. Talk about random.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

My cutie! Shweets    )

I love you Shweets :)

Its SO hard to keep them open!

Just try to keep them open!

Whos a dork? Not me!

Well, Shucks!

This Is Kind Of A Long Post (No Pic, Sorry)

Wow. It has been so long since I've posted. So let me start from our vacation. We had so much fun. The only part I didn't like was being squished in the car with his whole family. We went to Magic Mountain (I will post some real pictures soon) and it was so AWESOME! That morning it was kind of rainy but we decided to go anyways. What a great idea! There were barely any people there. We never waited in line (Well we waited a few minutes for our turn to get the front of the coaster). We got to ride all the rides a few times (2-4 times). All the roller coasters were different. My favorite was probably the Tatsu? I think that's what it was called. You sit in the seat (with your feet dangling out of your seat). They tilt you forward so you're body is facing the floor (kind of like you are flying). You go over so many loops and twisties, and pretzels. The first time I went on it I was so freaked out. I was considering not going on it. It was so fun though. The scariest one was the X2. When you sit in the seat (You're legs are dangling out) they tilt you backwards so it's like you're almost laying on your back. They start the roller coaster backwards so you can't see where you are going. You don't know when you're going to drop or flip or twist or anything. (So you don't know how to brace yourself) And then at the very end you feel something hot (even though it's cold outside) and as you go past the heat you notice it's a huge flame shooting out at you. It was awesome but so scary.
We had fun down there. I found another record (yay!) and we both got new shoes. It was good to visit the great grandparents, the grandparents, the step grandparents, cousins, etc.
Christmas was good. It didn't feel like we got much only because we gave each other our presents really early. (I swear we are not doing that next year!) We got some great gifts from everyone (THANK YOU!!!). I/We got an iPod touch (including the warranty, plastic cover, clear cover for the screen, and an extra charger), a record (of some of our favorite music), some cute clips for the hair, a candle, chocolates, our Magic mountain tickets, our hotel stay, two shirts for work (which are really cute and actually fit me!) and a coffee maker :)
I wish I could have spent more time with my family (I know I say that every time they come down, but I really miss them). It was fun having everyone down. Last night we all played games till about 1 in the morning. I am a retard because I forgot I had to work/get up at 6. So I slept at my parents house for about an hour, picked up Wade and his friends, took his friends home, got home at around 3 slept for maybe 2 more hours and then had to wake up to get ready. And then this morning I couldn't find my pants I normally wear so I tore up the whole house searching for them. Couldn't find them though. I was afraid I had to wear a pair of Wade's pants. I luckily found some old (REALLY SMALL) nice pants that his Aunt gave me a few years back. I luckily though was not late. I was still 3 minutes early. :) It feels like I have been working for so long. I only have 3 1/2 more hours to go! I promise I will post pics soon.

Friday, December 5, 2008

So I am on my new iPod touch and I am loving it. Sorry if there are any mistakes they fix most of them. I am loving this thing. I love how I can be on the internet and not have to pay for anything I am going to go though it's too hard to write on this thing

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

It kind of sucks today. I am at work until 11 tonight. I was so bummed out when I was leaving mom's house to go drop Wade off at this parents. His grandpa is in town and I didn't really want to be over there anyway. But as I was leaving I got so bummed out. His dad was being all nice to me and everyone was so sad that I had to work today. I get here and it is so CRAZY! There is 2 huge soccor and baseball teams that are taking up the whole 2nd floor. Everyone is so loud and annoying! I didn' think I would be able to handle it. Plus we have like 100 more people showing up too. So we are booked full.
And then this guy comes up and hands me a plate full of food. Potaoes, ham, turkey, yams, stuffing, and gravy. So good! They picked up after theirselves. And then they gave me some pumkin pie! YUM! I didn't eat any desert at mom's either so this is perfect. I love pumkin pie! How nice and considerate.
Time is going by pretty fast. Well actually not really. I still have 5 more hours. But I just bought a book (the 8th or 9th in a series that I love! I didn't think they were making any more!), so I am happy about that. I think that's what I'll do for the rest of the night. So.... I"M OFF!

That Same Old Song and Dance

I did what Kali did and just took it off my blog. I don't have my iPod with me.


Bohemian Rapsody - Queen

Across the Ocean - Azure Ray

Ha Ha - Mates of State

Staralfur - Sigur Ros (Which is actually what I want for my funeral)

Sleep - Azure Ray (Which is so true)

Sunrise, Sunset - Bright Eyes

Love Song - The Cure

All You Need is Love - The Beatles

Screaming Infidelities - Dashboard Confessional

Reinvent the Wheel - Bright Eyes

Sweet Adeline - Elliott Smith

Hey Jude - The Beatles

Bowl of Oranges - Bright Eyes

Four Winds - Bright Eyes

Baby Britian - Elliott Smith

Indepence Day - Elliott Smith

The Calender Hung Itself - Bright Eyes

From a Balance Beam - Bright Eyes

Light Pollution - Bright Eyes

Waltz #2 - Elliott Smith

I didn't have enough songs to finish the rest. Oh Well!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nothing Important


So last night I came to the realization that I have no feelings/emotions. I've been pushing my feelings down my whole life and I must not have any anymore. The only emotion I really feel any more is anger. I have been such a monster lately. Not to anyone, but in my head. I wish I had the guts to just say it like I feel it. I envy people who can just be like, "You know what? You suck! You are crazy. Stop looking at me!" (etc.) I really wish I could say that. "You really hurt me. What you just said really pissed me off." (etc.)
I don't know why I have such a hard time with it. I need to figure out a way to express my emotions. It is so hard! I might quit the hotel. I don't know. It is driving Wade crazy. We are seriously not seeing each other anymore. It really sucks. And he is getting really sick of it. I am just trying to help! I sometimes feel that I am not appreciated for what I do. I work 2 jobs, clean the whole house, wash all the clothes, cook, and run around/run errands. Lately I have been feeling like he doesn't even care that I am running myself dry for HIM! For us. So we can live in our own house one day. So we can FINALLY pay off our HUGE debt. To him, I am just working because I am a "work-o-holic" and I enjoy working.
Okay I am done before I make myself cry at work.

I Love Quizes

What Your Favorite Color Green Says About You:
Balanced --- Relaxed --- Flexible
Compassionate --- Philosophical --- Humble
Loyal --- Inventive --- Unique

You Are 50% Manic
You are definitely super charged, and your energy is infectious!
Your mania is something to be proud of. You wouldn't be you without it.
Just make sure not to give into that self destructive streak of yours.

You Are a Realist
You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass.
You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is...
But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on.
You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Worn Out

I am going to be SO tired next week. I am working tonight until 11, tomorrow 7-3, Thursday 3-11, Friday 11pm-7am, Saturday 11pm-7am, and Sunday 3-11. Plus on top of that I am working at the carwash all those days (except Sunday). I don't know what I am going to do. I am going to be so tired. Oh well. I just keep thinking its all so I can have money to go on a vacation and so I can buy Christmas presents. Adios!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christian Bale (It's All For You Kali)

Let me just say before I post this, Kali, you would have DIED! (Or at least something of that extent) So, here I am just working and here comes this guy who looks just like Christian Bale. I turn my head and do like a TRIPLE take. He seriously looks so much like him that I am wondering 'Maybe this is what he looks like off set/off the cameras. This is seriously him. There's no way it's not.' Then Kali, the best part, he comes down the stairs and I hear him talking on the phone. #1.) He has a very (I'm sorry Wade) sexy acsent . #2.) He is talking in a different language. #3.) He eats fast food. (He asked me where In-N-Out was) Kali, you would have enjoyed so much. Now I am not the kind of person to look at other guys since I am married and I am okay with that. But, (again I'm sorry Wade) but he was freakin cute! I'm not that into Christian Bale either. I wish you were here Kali.
Sorry~The rest is me ranting
P.S. On a whole different subject. I HATE people! Mostly the people who get pissed at you because you say, "Oh, hold on let me check that for you." F OFF A HOLES! (Sorry)

X-Mas in Cali

Wade and I went over to his parents today. Spence was going to cook some of his bomb food for Wade's dad. (He's in town this week) I didn't think Cassie was going to come over because she is allergic to animals and they were afraid Tegan was too, but they ended up coming. I was so happy! I love being to hold Tegan. He is pretty fussy, but he is so CUTE! I need to take some pictures of Tegan and put them on here. Every time I see him it makes me want to have a kid of my own. I know this is pretty much all I talk about anymore, but I can't wait any longer.

I am so excited about Christmas! I know it's kind of a ways away, but I already have my decorations up. : ) (My 3 little decorations) I had a dream a while ago about going to an amusment park with Natali's kids and Kali and Mom. It made me SO excited to go down to Six Flags. We went when I was little to the one in St. Louis, but I don't remember much. I really only remember being able to stay up until 12 and wearing a glow in the dark necklace. I want to apologize for not being able to do much for Christmas. I was hoping to get everyone something, but we're not able to. That makes me so bummed. Oh well. I might post more later, but I am bored right now and I think I am going to go play some games or something. Adios!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Blog To Pass The Time

It seems like the only time I am able to get on here and write anymore is when I am at the hotel. It may be boring, but oh well. Resent happenings: We went down to Vegas with Cassie and Spence last weekend. It was way fun even though we didn't do much. Being out of Utah feels amazing even if it is to Mesquite or Vegas for a few hours.

I am absoluetly in love with Spence and Cassies baby (Tegan). He is the cutest little thing. Yesterday they came over for a little bit to "rent" some movies from our collection. Right when I opened the door, Spence hands me Tegan. Normally you have to bounce him the whole time you are holding him other wise he starts getting angry. Yesterday, he was so chill. I sat down on the couch next to Wade and he just hung out looking at Wade the whole time. Didn't fuss or anything. It was so cute. I am really pushing Wade to start trying. He gets pissed at me though because he tells me everytime that he isn't ready and we need to wait. (I think he's like Dad in the fact that if tell him something more than once, he gets angry.) (P.S. I think it's because of his mom and sister. They tell him the same story 100 times and they never remember anything he tries to tell them). ANYWAY...

I was driving to get some food yesterday and I passed all these Storm Troopers and Darth Vader and I had to take pictures. I promise I will put them up soon. It's pretty cool. It's been raining all day today. I love it! (I did wash my car yesterday and yes, I am pissed. Oh well, I do love the rain.) Wade wanted me to read the Watchmen today since I have 6 more hours of work, but I am in the mood to play some games. So I will write more later. Adios amigos! (My spanish is getting pretty good!)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Some more work!

So I am at work right now (my second job [the hotel]) and this is my first day that I was by myself. (It, luckily was only for 3 hours) We HAVE to have a credit card in order to give the people their rooms. If their card gets declined, it comes out of our pay check. (which I am not going to let happen) So anyway... this ladies card gets declined and I am like "well, I can't give you the room because the card was declined." She starts freaking out at me saying well there should be enough money on the card and that is dumb because I'm not even going to be paying with this card any way. I am paying with cash so you need to let me have the room. BLAH BLAH BLAH. I'll tell you the story later I am going to go home. I'm sleepy.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hotel California...

So I got a second job working at a Comfort Inn. I don't think I can do this, but I am going to try as long as possible. We got the new Guitar Hero for the wii last night. It's awesome, but we didn't buy it with the drum set which sucks. It has so many good songs. Eventually we are going to get it with a new guitar, drums, and a mic. That way everyone can play it when they are down.
Anyway, I better go get ready for work! Yay

Sunday, October 5, 2008

X-Mas Presents!

Even though X-Mas is so far away, I need to start thinking of ideas so I don't rush around at the last minute like I normally do. So please everyone give me some ideas, not only for you but for everyone else too. (Especially Dad!)

I am so excited for the winter. I love when it's all cold (and I'm not getting headaches from the heat), and I really love seeing all the decoration on peoples houses. It's so fun to get into that "Christmas spirit"!

So I have a few ideas, but not many so PLEASE tell me everything you want, even if it's $500! Plus, I need an idea for Micah's birthday. Well, I am so bored. I am over at Mom's house waiting for Wade to be done hanging out with his friend. I don't have much else to say. Bye!
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Friday, October 3, 2008


So, I've been reading some books about Buddhists what they kind of believe. It's really cool. Everything is calming and relaxing. One of the books I've started (but have not finished) is called something like How to deal with death and how to live a better life (or something like that). They had some really good suggestions. It kind of got into who Buddha was and his life (which is boring to me) so I stopped reading that one and I am now reading The teachings of Buddha (or maybe it's What Buddhists believe) and I really like that one. They are so peaceful. They don't harm any animals and they try to be nice to EVERYONE! They always think about other people and they try not to ever get angry with anyone. That's something I need in my life. I get so frustrated at everything and everyone. I also watched this really old movie (from the 70's I think), and it was cool. It was a trip.

It's like these aliens are on this weird planet and there are these little humans running around. (kind of like ants to us) The aliens take these little humans and use them as pets. They kind of mistreat them (except for one little alien boy) and they go on these exterminating hunts where they try to kill all the little humans. It made me feel so bad about killing animals. You know when you see a spider and the first thing you think about is killing it. That's kind of how the aliens were. It sounds weird, but it was a good movie. Anyway, I got to go so I can make Wade's friend a beanie.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Baby Fever

So, Wade's friend that he works with, Spence, just had his baby. Britin had her baby. Nanny is going to have hers soon. That's all I think about any more. I know it would be smarter to wait until we are more finacially stable, but I want one SO bad! I know they are hard work and they take ALL your time and you won't have any time for anything, but they are the best things in the whole world. I can't wait to be a fat little pregnant woman and having the baby kick my ribs and make me puke and everything. And then after a while they start walking and runing everywhere.

I am afraid that the baby will health problems (Like Kali's or him having to loose all his hair when he's 8, or having something wrong during delivery, stuff like that). I am also very scared that I am not going to be able to get prego. ( Or have miscarages) I really have a feeling that I am not able to have kids. If that happens, it will ruin me. I mean theirs always adpotion or whatever, but that takes forever and they probablly wouldn't let us have one any way because we don't make enough money. All I know is I have a HUGE baby fever and it better happen soon, or I might go cRaZy!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'll Be Grateful For This Day

I know I complain A LOT and I always seem to whine. I am just really glad I have good employees that do care about me. I'm so happy to be living on our own and have the best man in the whole world. I really love working for Aaron and Brtin. I know people tell me I need to quit (and I've said it a lot my self), but they do so much for me and they want to make me happy. I know that if I asked for a raise, they would gladly give it to me. It sucks we're all struggling, and I wish it weren't this way, but it'll get better. I am very glad for the WONDERFUL parents I have who will always help me with anything. (Like teaching me to change my brakes, let me eat their food, and wash my clothes at their house, etc.) I love my family and wouldn't change it for anything else. I'm sorry I've been so negative lately. Everything will get better and hopefully we'll all be better off soon enough. <3,

P.S. I got a new phone through Verizon! (yea!) My new number is (435)669-2490

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sunrise, Sunset

I think I need a vacation. I also need a day just to myself. No washing clothes, no going shopping for the store, none of that. Just chill at home or whatever and go shopping for me! I am just so confused about everything today. I am confused about my life and where I am heading. I don't know what I want and I think I'm just a little cranky today. Whatev. I miss my family. Everyone needs to come down here and I want to hang out with everyone! I am just ... I don't know. Ready for my weeks vacation. I better run so I can get everything done for the day.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

From A Balance Beam

This is where I want to live ^
Not this \/
I'm sorry for anyone who thinks this is nice. This town is HORRIBLE. I need to get out of this town and have a nice trip somewhere that isn't Utah. Maybe I should go live with the aliens!
Fun huh?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm Over It

I am ready to quit and I reallly think I will. I am so sick of Aaron and Colette. I am sick of no one appreciating me. I am sick of all the drama and the bull sh.. I really want a new job or at least Colette to quit. That would make things so much better. I broke down yesterday and just balled for ever. I do SO much for them and no one ever sees it. Everyone gets paid more than I do and I've been there the longest. That's such crap. I've been there for a year and a half and the mexicans get paid more than I do. What the crap? I don't understand it. Acctually I do. It's because I don't stand up for myself and they think they can just walk all over me.

Whatever. I am going to buy some books about what Buhdist believe. I am really drawn to that kind of thing. I love this picture and things that are similar. I feel so much happier looking at it. It makes me calmer.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Horray Horray for work!

I wish I could have gone to Vegas with Mom and Dad. I am so jealous. I miss Nanny and Kev. If I didn't have to work I would have. Oh well. I hope you guys come down here soon. Bye!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Body In A Bag

So the other day I was up really late and I saw something so nasty. In went out to go get some food. (First I should say I live right next to a morgue. I always see them cremating people. [Well, I see the vent on top of the building that blows out ashes and stuff] ) So I was driving and their garage door was open. I slow down to see if there was an oven there (for the cremations) and there is a freakin dead body. It was off to the side of the wall and it was in a bag just waiting to be buried or burned. I freaked. Plus it didn't help that I had been watching a show where a guy is killing people. That morgue freaks me out and I hate thinking about me breathing in dead people. I always try to hold my breath when I see the smoke/ash coming out of the building. Ugh...

It's Got Me!

Good Things Come in 3's

3 Joys
-Being with Wade
-Playing Texas Hold-Em
-Watching T.V. and playing games and watching movies

3 Fears
-Losing Wade
-Not being able to get pregnant
-Losing my parents / family

3 Goals
-Learn the guitar/ piano
-Own a house and start our family
-Lose 40 more pounds

3 Current Obsessions
-Dexter ~now it's over though :(
-Spending money

3 Surprising Facts
-I'm a nerd (I guess it's not that surprising)
-I have a "potty" mouth (oops)
-I sometimes don't like the music Wade is getting into ~ I'm sorry.

I tag the only people I know, Nanny, Kali, and Mom

Friday, August 22, 2008

Going Back To Rehab

So, I need to tell all of you something. I am addicted. I don't get any sleep any more. It's all I think about. It's been running through my head all day long and I can't stand it any more. I need MORE! I am almost done with the first season of Dexter. I can't handle it. I couldn't even work today because all I thought about was Dexter. I just thought all of you should know. You need to go buy the first season and watch it. You too will become addicted. And let me first apologize for getting you hooked (when you go buy it and watch it). I just HAVE to share it with someone!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Don't You Smell Lovely?

I'm having a Scentsy Candle party on the 30th and I am super excited! They aren't actually candles but they are kind of like candle warmers. There's a little light bulb in the container and you put some wax on the top of it. It fills the whole house with the scent.
Some new news, I bought Dexter (a t.v. show on DVD) and it's awesome. I am so addicted to it. I got it $15 off and I am ready to buy the 2nd season even though I'm not even half way done with the first. During the day, the guy is a jovial employee in the Miami Metropolitan Police Department's crime lab, but his meticulously crafted life masks his true nature. In reality Dexter (the guy) is a disciplined and murderous psychopath (a self-admitted "monster"), and he slakes his blood lust at night by carefully killing the serial killers he tracks down during the day.
It sounds weird but, he has a hunger for blood (even as a little kid) so his dad who was a cop taught him how to cover his tracks so he would never be caught. He kills people who are horrible people. (Rapist, murders, etc.) You'll have to watch it!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I've been so frustrated lately. Collette (who I normally love) has been the biggest ... Witch. To say at the least. She called me a liar (pretty much) because something was put into the computer and it was added wrong. I'VE NEVER BEEN SHOWED HOW TO DO THAT! Why would I do that? And for some stupid reason she thinks it was me. And then she goes and tells Aaron some dumb crap about April and he freaks out at her. We do so much for him and he never notices (or thanks us). "Oh, you worked 14 hours today? Well why didn't you get Sarah on break first? She's only been here for 2 hours." Screw him. Freakin jerk. I hope April quits on him and he's left with no one but the Mexicans.
Anyho, on a lighter note. I actually got a day off! Yeah! I've been playing this new game that's so fun. It's getting so hard though. It's called Professor Layton and the Curios Village. I was making April figure out all the puzzles I didn't figure out. Kali, Britt, and I tried figuring out this one puzzle and we still haven't figured it out yet. I'll write it later and maybe you can figure it out.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


I'm freakin pissed. I hate Sarah and I don't want to go back to work!

Friday, August 8, 2008

I'm Singing In The Rain!!!

I love the rain! It was hailing earlier. I wish it would rain all the time! I would just be out of a job if I did. : ) This next month is going to be so crazy. I am working every day and most of them are open to close. It's better than having Staci work I guess. I'm training a new girl tomorrow. Hopefully she's a good worker, she catches on fast, and she's cool. I am bored and Kali needs to get home so we can go out to eat. Mom is driving me NUTS! I'm off!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I'm new here, be gentle...

So, Aaron talked with me yesterday. He would like me to take over Britin's job (since she had her baby) doing the schedule, doing more with the payroll, and becoming more of an assistant manager. Sweet. Hopefully they'll actually do it this time. I've been so freakin sick because of mom : ( Nothing new or exciting other than that.

"I can see your sadness. It's lovely."