Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I babysat for Britin yesterday and when I showed up Britin told me something Devin told her. (remember he's only 4) "Mom, when I grow up, I want to marry Ambria." How cute is that? It was a good day with them. Devin's friend showed up so that kept him busy while I was taking care of Emery. She wasn't too fussy. She's getting so big! She can crawl and pull herself up on things. She would get frustrated with her self if she couldn't stand up by herself. She went down easy with a half of a bottle so me and Devin watched Star Wars The Clone Wars. (cartoon movie) and we were playing with his sword pretending they were light sabers. I think I am going to get a bruise on my spine. He kneed me so hard! It hurt so bad. I can acctually still feel where he kneed me. It's probablly bruised right now. : |
I'm upset and disappointed. And frustrated. And that's pretty much everything in my life right now.

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