Friday, August 7, 2009

9 Weeks + First Doctors Visit

This week my sence of smell has kicked in full force. I can smell everything. I can smell the stinky breath of someone at the table next to me and the meat Wade cooked from two days ago. It's miserable. The smell if one guys deodorant makes me want to puke which is hard to work with because I have guests come up to the front desk and that's all I smell. I have to hold my breath until they leave and run into the back room to gulp fresh air. Haha. I joke that I'm like mom now. I hold my hand under my nose just like she does when she smells perfume.
My morning sickness comes and goes. Today it was pretty bad. Yesterday I didn't have it at all. I am glad I don't get it everyday like I use to. Not much else is new this week. It's pretty much the same. I have learned that I can not stand or work on my feet for longer than 4-5 hours. It kills my back. My back is so hurty right now. I woke up too early today and didn't take a long enough nap.

So... As most of you already know, we had our first visit with the doctor today. I woke up at 7:30 this morning so I could get ready before I had to be there (@ 8:40). I was really bummed out yesterday because I asked a question on Yahoo Answers and people told me that there was no way I could hear the heartbeat this early and the doctor wouldn't even try. I was so depressed. That is what I've looked forward to doing this whole time because I knew I could only afford one ultrasound. So I figured this visit is just to get proded and poked and that on my next visit I could hear it. I have also been super freaked out that something was wrong and that I may have had a missed miscarriage which is so common. (Where the baby stops growing but you don't pass it. You never know until they can't find a heartbeat or they can't detect anything on an ultrasound.) So I was even more scared about this visit. The whole time we were sitting in the waiting area and the doctors room I was so sick. I didn't know if it was from the morning sickness or my nerves. I had to fan my face and suck on my pregnancy pop drops so I wouldn't get sick. The nurse came in and took all the info down. Then gave me the dreaded pink paper gown thing to put on. I rushed to get my clothes off before someone walked in on me and ended up waiting for 10 minutes for the doctor to come in. Haha. She was super nice. She asked about my smoking and I told her that I stopped right when I found out (5 weeks ago today) and she was so happy and excited. She said something like Wow. Good for you that's awesome you were able to do that. I was so uncomfortable but she made me feel pretty okay. She checked me and I noticed something black with a handle on it. It kind of looked like a speaker with a microphone on it. I started to get excited. Maybe that's what a dopler looks like : ) She said she wanted to see if we could hear the heartbeat today. Yay!!! I still had everyones answers in the back of my head that told me it was too early and we wouldn't be able to hear it. She pushed down really hard on my tummy and moved it around and I heard my heartbeat which I thought was the baby and yes-my heart skipped until she said and that's yours. She kept shoving that thing further onto my belly and it hurt. I heard something and thought it was mine until she said op! I think that was it. She moved it around more and we found the heartbeat : ) I have one (that we heard) strong baby in there. It's already working harder than the normal baby : ) She did the rest of her tests which was a little miserable but bearable. Then we were sent on the way. If we pay this off by January (or Febuary I forget which) then we get a $350 discount. That would mean paying over $400 a month. Ouch. So for X-Mas we are asking for only money so we can pay off this doctors bill hopefully by then. I would have loved getting baby stuff for X-Mas but this is more important. So if you have my name ; ) We would really enjoy just money. Thanks. I just figured out that we are going to find out what it is by the end of October : ) Cool. I will probablly have my visit on my 21st week which would make it the last Friday in october.
Some other things ive just thought of that I've had come up this last week have been gas and itchy dry skin. The other day Wade said it looked like my back got sunburned and my skin was peeling off. I rubbed it but not a lit came off. A few days later I felt my back and looked at my hands and they had so much dead skin on them. Sorry I know that's super gross. But I've been super itchy lately too. My neck and back and my main spots. Also my legs have been really itchy. Weird. And I've always been gassy but since getting pregnant I haven't had much gas. The past few days have been worse though. Haha. Sorry.
So now I feel better about everything. I feel like this is going to be okay and I am more excited than nervous now. Yay : ) I'll post more later.


Kevin and Natali McKee said...

Oh that is awesome! I never got the alert that you asked a Question. I got the dry skin thing with this pregnancy. I never had it with the other ones, it was soooo weird. I got in under my armpits and then I started getting it on my upper back. Pregnancy sure messes with you ;) I am glad you are relieved!

sXenerd said...

It's so nice to know that she's okay : )

Markel said...

You two are having some weird things going on with your pregnancies. I thought you were suppose to be like your Mother. By the way, Ambria, it's a boy. ha I don't really know.

Markel said...

I have been feeling a little sick and itchy also, but all I can hear is my own heart beat. You are so lucky! I love you Ambria,