Friday, August 21, 2009

11 Weeks

This past week has been better. My morning sickness has gotten better. But I've been getting headaches for the past week. Today some stupid loud kids were driving me nuts as they were playing on the computer and my small headache turned into a migraine just an hour after being here. It came on quick and I've been in the bathroom almost all night. I've been having to run in there every 10 or so minutes. It is so exausting. My whole body is worn out and I can barely keep my eyes open. I am so miserable right now. It's 3:33 am and I only have 3&1/2 more to go. I hope I can make it that long. My whole body is so tired. I just want to go to bed. There is nothing left in me but my body keeps thinking there is and I'm still having to run to the bathroom every 10 minutes to dry heave. Ugh. So miserable. Other than this it's been an okay week. Britin offered to give me her crib when Emerys done with it. So that's cool. Nothing much has been new this week. Just the same old stuff.

1 comment:

Markel said...

You sound so miserable. I'm so sorry. It's terrible to have to work when you are sick.