Saturday, August 1, 2009

More Car Crap

This month our registartion was due and it wasn't too bad. Only $140. All the car problems started up and I figured I should fix that before I get my safety done. Well the day after we replaced the spark plugs (which was the day I was going to bring it in to get a safety) a giant crack appeared in the windsheild. We have had about 3-4 tiny chips in the window for almost 3 years now so I figured they have never cracked on us before they probablly won't do it now. I never even thought about them because they've pretty much always been there. Well one day (the best day for this to happen too) I get off work and drive home to go change my shoes before I go to get the safety done. When I get home I shut off the car and notice this huge giant crack in the window. So I had to have this window replaced before I could get the safety. I (luckily) saved some money for the registration and had to use almost all of that to pay for the window. Wendy tells Wade that the DMV will give you an extention for the tags. So I am hesitant but I start to get excited because if we were to lay for the tags and the safety we would have exatly $0 for food and gas. So I drive to the DMV and they tell me that it's a 15 day extention to get your safety. So I ended up having to pay the rest of my money I had to the tags. Us we had to use some money that we had on Wades card. So we now have $0 for gas and food anyway. (The insurance was due today and they take that off Wades card so the rest of the money we had on that went to insurance). Isn't that just great? It could have waited 1 day to crack and we would be fine! We could have had money for food and for the doctors next week. I have been so stressed about money. I was planning on using some of that money I saved for the doctors visit so we could start paying it off. My check next week will all go to rent. We probablly won't have amy extra. So hopefully the doctor doesn't require a payment each visit.
They kind of cut my hours back a bit. I am a tiny bit pissed but kind of glad. I am still getting 80 hours a pay check but now it's only 4 days a week one week and 5 the next. I was glad at first because I get 3 days off in that one week but then I started to think about it's not really "full time". Our pay checks aren't 2 weeks apart they are the 1st - the 15th and the the 16th - the last day of the month. So I should have 88 hours a pay check. That would make me full time. Oh well. At least as I am getting 80 hours. We get that extra "commision" so that helps. ($1 for every walk in or reservation unless you get them for rack rate then you get $1.50) I will gladly welcome 3 days off every other week. That will be nice. I am feeling very sick right now. I think I am done writting for the night. I will update next week and let you know how many heart beats we hear.


Micah said...

Dang that sucks Ambria. I'm in the same boat as you. My registration was due last month and I don't have money to pay for it so I'm just praying I don't get pulled over for it. I've decided that I'm supposed to learn something from all this so I'm trying to learn it quick so it can be over with.

K said...

Yeah, it seems like it's always the worst timing ever! Today I had a doctor's appointment that cost more than $255 and that's not including the 5 meds he wants me to buy! And I keep getting med bills on top of it all for $300 here, $200 there. OIIIIII...WHY can't we just use monopoly money??? I started stressing about money too, but then got a blessing, so I'm feeling better about it. Hey, and I say you and Wade should just come over here for your meals!!! YEAH??? =) You are SUCH a hard worker and Wade is so freakin lucky he has a sugar mama. =) <3