Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pigs In A Blanket

So it's been kind of a crazy exciting night here at the hotel. I checked someone in to room 120 late at night. (1am) An hour goes by and the guy says that some drunk guy knocked on their door and was talking about some city and blah blah blah. He said it was a taller guy with blonde hair. A few minutes later the guy (blonde hair guy) comes and sits down on the couch. He's waiting for a friend. So I figure a friend is going to pick him up and he'll leave. Well he leaves but I don't know where. The guy calls back and said that 118 (the room right next to them) is bing loud and is waking up their kids. I of course feel bad and I call 118 and tell them to be quiet. They say okay and it's left at that. A while later 120 calls back and is saying 118 is now banging on the walls. Ugh. So I go down to see if they are being loud and yes. They were. I could clearly hear a few people talking in the room as I was out in the hall. So I go back to the front desk and I have to make the hard decision. Wait it out or move them to a different room at 3 in the morning. I hate confrontation and I waited about 20 minutes before actually calling them. I told them a few rooms had complained about them being loud and he was nice about it. He said it was bs because he wasn't being loud but he'll move anyway. Haha. Okay you weren't being loud. That drunk blonde guy went into their room and I figures they were drinking. So he comes up to the front desk to get his keys and as he is up at the desk 120 calls and says that they have been banging on the walls still and that he is getting pissed off. I tell him that I moved the other people upstairs and they shouldn't bug him anymore. The 118 guy comes back down to the front desk and says it's bs they weren't loud. I just say I'm sorry but I had a few complaints from different rooms (I know I am a liar too : ) And that I had no other choice but to move him. He just kept going on about how they weren't partying in there and they were only watching a movie and they did have "a cocktail but we weren't having a keg or anything". Haha. So I just say okay I'm sorry. I know he was lying to me. I heard them and yes they were being loud. I would take the word of a father over the word of a drunk. And yes. I could smell the "one cocktail" on his breath. And the counter is about 2-3 feet away from where I am standing.
Anyways. So time goes by 120 calls back and I let him know that they are up on the third floor and they won't bother him anymore. I told them if they come down and bang on his door again I will call the cops and have them kicked out. So time goes by and I see a cop car drive up. Instinctivally (yeah I can't spell) my stomatch drops like I did something wrong even though I know why he was called. So he comes in and talks to me for a hit and this guy (that I knew was in 118) comes in and I wisper that this guy was in 118. The cops talks to him and he said the blonde guy was super drunk and that he just went to go take him home. He was the one banging on the walls and was being loud. He said that he was coming back for the other 2 girls to take them home too. (P. S. I forgot to mention that the 118 guy said there was only him and his two friends and his dog in the room) So I was right. The 118 guy did lie to me. He had maybe 5 people in the room plus a dog. And yes they were being loud and banging on the walls. And yes. They were drinking. Ha! So the cop checked out around 120 and it was silent (even though 120 said they were still being loud after I moved them). So that was my fun for the night.

My sickness was better today and I was able to eat the salad from yesterday. Although the rice was so so salty. It's weird because it wasn't yesterday but I couldn't eat the rice and beans part. I had to just pick at the lettuce and pick of the rice. Haha that's how salty it was : ) Wade brought home some stuff that John got is from the fair. One of them was a little pin that had babys feet on it. And Wade got all excited and said this is how big the babys feet really are at 10 weeks. Oh!!! So cute!! John just got it for us not knowing I was actually 10 weeks along. They are so tiny : ) I could barely fit the pin in between my fingers. They are so cute. So we are going to buy a baby book and put the feet pin in there. Wade was all excited about it tonight. It was fun. I have met 2 people on Yahoo Answers who are due about the same time as me. It's fun talking to pregnant people about what's going on. They were having the same stuff I was going through and it's fun to just have someone to talk to. I wish they were real friends : ) so I could actually know them in person and we could be pregnant friends together. And before you fewak out mom-they do not know my name or have any access to any info. They can push a button on my profile that they can email me but they don't know my email address and they won't. So don't worry. I'm not stupid enough to give them any of that or meet in person or whatever. So don't freak : ) Well I should probablly watch this movie so we can get it back to John. I wish it was Sunday morning so oh wait.... I can't sleep this Sunday so it doesnt matter. Never mind : )


Markel said...

I went to work at 3 am this morning and thought" I should call Ambria at work to say hi". It was after I left the house and didn't have your work number, so didn't. I better get that number in my phone also huh? Love,

sXenerd said...

It's 688-9491 Call me anytime

K said...

Holy cow! That is one crazy story. But, then again, I guess it's great that you've worked there for quite some time and this is the only REALLY bad situation. I mean, crazy lady wasn't that bad. This was crazy!! Ugh.

sXenerd said...

Oh no. Crazy lady was (and still is) much worse. I can handle cops and crazy lying drunk people. I can not handle crazy people. She STILL comes to the hotel and tries to talk to us still. Ugh!!! She's bad.