Thursday, August 27, 2009

12 Weeks

I am finally coming to the end of the horrible 1st trimester. My M/S has eased up and I have only had it about twice this past week. So I am hoping it will be done and over within the next two weeks or sooner. We finally came up with both names and we love them. I am glad we finally came up with a boy name. I really thought we wouldn't have a boy name and with our luck that's what we'd have. I bought the first baby item this week. I couldn't pass it up. It's a brown shirt with a green peace sign with little blue smiley faces inside the sign. It's a little boyish but I think if I got a blue bow to put in her hair it would work for a girl too. (Just incase it is a girl) It was on sale and they only had 2 left and I really wanted it. I can't wait until I can feel her kicking. I have had twinges and I have to tell myself it's not the baby it's something else because I know there's no way it's her yet. I just can't wait until I can know for sure.
I have been very emotional this week. That's definately not easing up on me. I have been super depressed about nothing and then I'm fine. I have been one huge ... Jerk. I just noticed that my stupid boss just hired a freakin guy to work the night shifts on the weekend!!! Oh I am so pissed off!!! I am so glad to be done with this place and with Darwin. He makes me so angry. Oh well. I'm glad Wade wouldn't have to work here and put up with all this crap. Whatever.

Some things I know I want for sure- a pack and play, a diaper bag, a carrier (you can wear your baby in front of you), and a car seat (duh obviously) that can hold up to 100 pounds. They are more expensive but it's worth it because you don't have to buy a new one when they get older. These things I am going to buy before the babys born. I know I am going to have a crib. I've had a few people offer me theirs. And I know I will get clothes. So these things I am for sure going to save up money and buy. I will add links in soon so you can see which ones I've picked out. I saw some cute diaper bags at Target that were awesome. They came with so much stuff. The pack and play has a little sleeper for newborns. It cuddles them in so they sleep better. Plus it has a changing table on it. It's pretty cool. I've seen car seats that go up to 100 pounds but I haven't really looked in depth at them. I wanted a stroller that came with a car seat but I figured it's more worth it this way. I don't need to stroller if I have a carrier. I can just strap her in and walk all over the place. Plus I know it helps put them to sleep. Britin always wore one with Emery. Everytime I would see her she was sleeping. When I baby sat when Emery was younger she fell alseep almost insatntly when I was walking around. So those are just a few things I for sure want to get.
I am glad to be done with this place. I am glad I am going to have a normal schedule from now on and I can acctually sleep with Wade : ) All though I'll probablly go to bed way earlier than he does. At least I can be home at night and have a normal sleeping schedule. Yes!!! So I am hoping that everything goes good for this next week. I hope my new job goes okay and is not too stressful or hard to get. I hope my M\S gets better and I won't have to run to the bathroom on my first day of work. We'll see.


Markel said...

Good luck honey. I'll pray for you this week. Well I always do.


K said...

I hope you like your new job and am glad you don't have to worry about all the crazy stuff and BIG BROTHER Darwin! That's totally crazy that he did hire a guy after telling you he didn't do that. Oiii. Good bye hotel and crazy hours, hello a little more normalicy coupled with regular breaks =)