Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Doctor Visit 13 Weeks 4 Days

So I had another doctors visit today. I didn’t know what to expect. The doctor came in and commented on me losing weight and I told her my morning sickness has been pretty bad but it is getting better. She checked for a heartbeat and found one and we were able to hear his little heartbeat for a while. A few weeks ago I went to get 4 viles of blood taken and a urine sample to see if I still had a bladder infection and I got the results back in the mail the other day. I don’t have a bladder infection and everything looks good. I am 0 Negative and I am also RH Negative. I have to get a shot at around week 28 so my body doesn’t attack my baby or something like that. I guess everyone is either RH positive or few of us are RH Negative. If Wade is RH positive then our baby has the chance of being RH positive and I guess my body can attack her body if she is positive. It’s kind of weird and confusing and I didn’t read the whole pamphlet on being RH negative. So pretty much I just need to get a shot around week 28 and after the baby is born. So I asked the doctor about that and she just told me it’s nothing to worry about and that I am going to get a shot. Then she left. Kind of shocked me at how quick the visit was. It didn’t last more than 5 minutes. So everything sounded good. We will find out at week 21 what the baby is. I can’t wait. It’s only 2 more months : ) Which is forever away. I am going into my 2nd trimester this Friday. Woop! I am all ready feeling better. My morning sickness has eased and now it’s only in the mornings right when I first wake up that I feel sick. So I just have to throw up and then eat something and I’m good. Every once and a while I will get a wave of sickness but it usually goes away pretty fast. Now everything sounds good to me. I watch the Food Network and everything they show I want to eat. So right now I am craving some ribs smothered in BBQ sauce. Yum! Sounds so good!


Kevin and Natali McKee said...

I am glad you are feeling better! How is Wade? Our family is coming down with something right now, nothing too severe though.

Markel said...

Isn't Natali RH nagative also?

Markel said...

Natali is RH negative, too because Dad is o- and I am +. I thought you just have to be sure to get a shot after the baby is born not before, because it will affect the next baby. That's what I learned in college, but maybe it's changed since then. If you don't get the shot within a few days after birth, it will make it almost impossible to carry any baby full term or even close to that after the first child.

The doctor should have spent the time to explain it to you as well as any concern you have. Next time insist on an explanation. She's not a good doctor if she won't take the time for you.
