Monday, February 8, 2010

Quick Update

Not much is new. We moved into our new apartment after only living with his mom for a month. I just couldn’t handle Holly’s boyfriend. He was a jerk and thought he was the man of the house. And thought he owned everything and excepted everything to be handed to him. I couldn’t deal with him any longer and neither could Wade. I also couldn’t deal with them smoking weed all the time. They would come home high and eat all my food and then get mad at Wade for accidentally drinking some of their chocolate milk (that he thought we had bought. Because you know we bought all the food in the house.) And so I just had to get out of there. I was so depressed and angry all the time and we both couldn’t take it any longer. I had seen these apartments on and it was such a good deal that I knew we just had to get them. I had looked at two other places and they were okay but I wasn’t in love with them. Right when I walked into these I knew that this was where we were supposed to be. That is what I felt like when I had found the apartments we were in before. And we lived there for 2&1/2 years and I LOVED those apartments. (I wish they had 2 bedroom apartments because I would love to go back) So we have gotten all moved in and almost all situated. There are a few things I don’t like about the apartments but nothing too serious. The landlords seem really nice and so I think we will enjoy living there.

I finally got Kubrick’s bedroom almost all set up this weekend. His crib is finally up and is so cute. I got his bouncer set up and almost all of his clothes are on hangers in his closet (and organized according to size). Almost every time I go to Target I buy one set of hangers. His PJs, shorts, and older clothes are the only things still left in his drawer. And I figure I will keep his shorts in the drawer and maybe some of his PJs that are two pieces. The footie PJs I will hang up. I just need to go through them all and take off the tags and such. I was going to wait so if he doesn’t fit into them I could return them but he will probably fit into all the clothes he has. So, go check out my baby blog. I posted some pictures of the baby shower.

1 comment:

K said...

That's SO awesome that you love your place and have so much already set up! I can't believe you can find the time to work full time, set up for a baby and clean, do laundry, move a few times in a few months, etc, etc! Amazing!! =) Can't wait for Kubric!