Thursday, January 21, 2010

Court and JERK FACE

Well court went well. I am so SO glad : ) I was there for almost 3 hours and I had been sick the whole time pretty much. My morning sickness is coming back : ( I also get super sick when it is too hot. And it was SO DANG hot! Everyone there needed a court appointed lawyer and they only had one for everyone so it took him about an hour and a half to interview everyone. And then it took almost an hour and a half for the judge to go over all the cases and I was almost the last person. There was a few people who also got tickets for no insurance. They got sentenced with a mandatory $400 fee, they lost their license, and had to get SR22 insurance for 3 years! I was freaking out when I heard this because I had spoke with the attorney and he told me we were doing a plea bargain (or whatever it was called) and that all I have to do is pay the fine and that was it. When the judge was talking to people he said, “No matter how you plea you will still lose your license and have to get SR22 for 3 years because that is the state law”. So I freaked out because I thought that no matter what that would happen to me too. Well I guess I was lucky because if you make a plea bargain then you don’t have to do that. All I have to do it pay the $400 fine, don’t get any tickets for a year, and show proof of insurance. WOO! Awesome!

James came down yesterday without any warning. Wade was at home and he saw a truck with a U-Haul pull up and back in the drive way and it was James. Wade hugged him and then he started going off on him about how this is his fault and that is his fault and blah blah blah. So Wade left because he made Wade so mad. I learned all this was going on as I was on my way into the court room. So that also added to my stress of the day because I couldn’t call him and find out what was going on. I guess Wade came back to the house with Stowe (Wade’s friend) and his mom. And I am freaking out this whole time because I know that James is going to try to steal something of ours and try to claim it as his own. He is so psycho! Off topic for a bit, one year for Christmas he bought Wade a game cube. Well about 6 months or so later James buys a new one for himself. He says to Wade, “I just bought this new game cube for me so if you want this old one (the one he gave Wade), you can pay me $60.” ??!! So I knew that he was going to pull some crap and do that to us. Well, guess who was right? He did take something of ours. OUR BED!!! Wendy was screaming at him saying, “How dare you take a bed from under a pregnant lady who is about to give birth.” James was like, whatever I do what I want : P No but he did say, “I don’t care. It’s my bed.” Wendy went back and said “You don’t even need it. You have your RV.” And so he ended up taking it anyway.

Before, yeah I was pissed, but I knew that I could forgive him and let him back into our lives but now there is no way. I don’t know any parent in their right mind who would willingly do that to their son and future grandchild. Where does he expect us to sleep? The floor?! Freakin jerk. He didn’t give a crap. He doesn’t care about any of us. I am done with him. He WILL NOT BE A PART OF KUBRICKS LIFE EVER! And I know he is not the type to apologize so I know he will never do that. He started yelling at Wade and said, “If you’re going to get physical then you need to get out of my house.” Wade said (censored version), “No, I am not getting out of the house.” “It’s my house and I pay the bills.” “NO DAD I am paying all the bills you promised you would pay!” And James said something about how Wade ruined his BBQ and stuff and Wade left again. SO MUCH DRAMA!

Not much else going on. I hope that once he leaves, he won’t come back. Wendy is going to be moving out as soon as the divorce is finalized. So if he ever does try to come back, he won’t know where we are. He will (unfortunately) know where Wendy and Holly are. Because they are moving across the street. With her boyfriend. Haha. If he ever does come back, he will FLIP OUT! Well I better go.

P.S. I am cheating. I can look at my registry and see what’s been bought. And I know that I have one thing boughten and 2 people are at Target right now buying me something : ) : ) : ) I am going to go look and see what they bought me.

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