It seems like the only time I am able to get on here and write anymore is when I am at the hotel. It may be boring, but oh well. Resent happenings: We went down to Vegas with Cassie and Spence last weekend. It was way fun even though we didn't do much. Being out of Utah feels amazing even if it is to Mesquite or Vegas for a few hours.
I am absoluetly in love with Spence and Cassies baby (Tegan). He is the cutest little thing. Yesterday they came over for a little bit to "rent" some movies from our collection. Right when I opened the door, Spence hands me Tegan. Normally you have to bounce him the whole time you are holding him other wise he starts getting angry. Yesterday, he was so chill. I sat down on the couch next to Wade and he just hung out looking at Wade the whole time. Didn't fuss or anything. It was so cute. I am really pushing Wade to start trying. He gets pissed at me though because he tells me everytime that he isn't ready and we need to wait. (I think he's like Dad in the fact that if tell him something more than once, he gets angry.) (P.S. I think it's because of his mom and sister. They tell him the same story 100 times and they never remember anything he tries to tell them). ANYWAY...
I was driving to get some food yesterday and I passed all these Storm Troopers and Darth Vader and I had to take pictures. I promise I will put them up soon. It's pretty cool. It's been raining all day today. I love it! (I did wash my car yesterday and yes, I am pissed. Oh well, I do love the rain.) Wade wanted me to read the Watchmen today since I have 6 more hours of work, but I am in the mood to play some games. So I will write more later. Adios amigos! (My spanish is getting pretty good!)
It is hard when you both want different things. I wish it rained here. I love it when it rains.
It rained a ton here the last couple days and its so cold too. I love it! AND I want to be an uncle so my vote is yes on the baby. But I don't think I really get a vote. Also what's the Watchmen? I need to start reading more books. So if its good let me know.
=) Nice espanol! Yeah, convince Wade to have more babies...although, I guess being out of debt would be good first so maybe he is thinking of that when he says he wants to wait? I'm glad your work isn't too insane!
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