Let me just say before I post this, Kali, you would have DIED! (Or at least something of that extent) So, here I am just working and here comes this guy who looks just like Christian Bale. I turn my head and do like a TRIPLE take. He seriously looks so much like him that I am wondering 'Maybe this is what he looks like off set/off the cameras. This is seriously him. There's no way it's not.' Then Kali, the best part, he comes down the stairs and I hear him talking on the phone. #1.) He has a very (I'm sorry Wade) sexy acsent . #2.) He is talking in a different language. #3.) He eats fast food. (He asked me where In-N-Out was) Kali, you would have enjoyed so much. Now I am not the kind of person to look at other guys since I am married and I am okay with that. But, (again I'm sorry Wade) but he was freakin cute! I'm not that into Christian Bale either. I wish you were here Kali.
Sorry~The rest is me ranting
P.S. On a whole different subject. I HATE people! Mostly the people who get pissed at you because you say, "Oh, hold on let me check that for you." F OFF A HOLES! (Sorry)
Haha that made me laugh, except for the rant, You know how I am ;)
I LOVE theme parks. I really really wanted to go on a roller coaster after Connor was born, but I got prego before I could. Maybe next summer.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH how I wish I had been there!!! GOSH! I am SO wanting a boyfriend/husband/what-ev!!! He would have been so perf. Gosh! Next time, hook a sister up, girl!
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