Saturday, September 12, 2009

14 Weeks 2nd Trimester Finally!!

Nothing new is happening this week. The baby is now about the size of a lemon or about the size of a fist. She’s growing fast! I am starting to feel so much better also. My appetite has for sure come back!! Everything I see I want to eat. Even things that I wouldn’t normally like. So hopefully now I won’t gain too much weight. My life is so boring right now. Work is boring. And all I do is work it feels like. I feel like I don’t ever get enough sleep. I worked crazy crappy hours at the hotel but at least I was able to sleep at least 8 hours a night (on almost every night) and I just feel like I don’t get any sleep anymore. I don’t know why. Waking up at 10 is a lot better than 8 even if you get the exact same number of hours per night. I am so sick of working here. Which sucks because I just started and if I hate it already I am going to just hate it more when I actually get into it. No one is explaining anything to me. They just throw things at me and expect me to figure it all out on my own. Whatever. It has taken me all day to add a few items to a word sheet. Haha if they wanted it done right they should have explained it to me. I just wish I was back working at the carwash or heck even the hotel would be better if I could get benefits! I’m sorry. I just am so bored and I feel like a drone. I don’t want to do this stuff. I wish I would have looked into this better before I got myself into this. I just have to keep thinking about the benefits and getting paid every week and getting more money. It’s worth it right? I have to wait 2 weeks before I get paid and my first pay check is only going to be for 3 day so that is going to suck super bad because I have so many bills that need to be paid. I just wish someone would sit down with me and say “This is what you have to do and this is how you do it”. Ugh! Can you tell I am so ready to be done with this day!! I just need a few weeks off. I am so sick of working and being responsible! I hope I can be done soon today.


Markel said...

You should get some money from your motel that overlaps a little.

Kevin and Natali McKee said...

Yay for the 2nd Trimester!! That is exciting to have it behind you and to be feeling better! Sorry work is so crummy! Are you able to listen to any music while you work? That can sometimes lighten my mood, or audio books.