Sunday, August 30, 2009

12 Weeks 2 Days - Possible Movement?

Last night I was at work and I felt this little pop or something way down low. It was definately not gas. Gas has always been in my stomatch not down low. It was below the top of pants which are pretty low under my belly button. I am hoping it was the baby. I can't really descibe how it felt. Weird little pops or itty bitty pokes. It went away after 30 seconds. I am reading on baby center about how most of them has felt it around 13-15 weeks (some earlier). I know the baby is super small and it just barely popped out from under my pubic bone but I really think it was the baby. If never felt anything like it and never any kind of movement that low before. I am thinking and sticking to it that it was our little guy. He's all ready strong (showing us his heart beat so early) and now this. I am looking forward to seeing the doctor next week and asking her where the baby is so I can see if I am right or not. I just want to cry thinking I've felt him so early.


Markel said...

That is so cool Ambria. I bet it is the baby. Are you sure on the dates? It seems early to feel movement. Maybe you're a month further along than you think.:) How fun. That is the best to feel the baby move inside you.


sXenerd said...

I have wondered if I am some how further along than I really am. The dates are right but I do wonder that because we were able to hear the heart beat so soon. (Most can't findbit until week 11 and we heard it at 9). Maybe. Wade keeps thinking it's twins. I don't think so but that would be crazy.

Kevin and Natali McKee said...

How is your new job??? Fill us in Ambo!