I am ready to quit and I reallly think I will. I am so sick of Aaron and Colette. I am sick of no one appreciating me. I am sick of all the drama and the bull sh.. I really want a new job or at least Colette to quit. That would make things so much better. I broke down yesterday and just balled for ever. I do SO much for them and no one ever sees it. Everyone gets paid more than I do and I've been there the longest. That's such crap. I've been there for a year and a half and the mexicans get paid more than I do. What the crap? I don't understand it. Acctually I do. It's because I don't stand up for myself and they think they can just walk all over me.
Whatever. I am going to buy some books about what Buhdist believe. I am really drawn to that kind of thing. I love this picture and things that are similar. I feel so much happier looking at it. It makes me calmer.

1 comment:
Yeah, I think you should at least talk to them and tell them that you deserve a raise. They need you and can't keep walking all over you. Hey, and I think you and Wade should save your money and go to China or Nepal or India! Seriously, think about it. OR Africa!!! (Kenya)
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