I've been so frustrated lately. Collette (who I normally love) has been the biggest ... Witch. To say at the least. She called me a liar (pretty much) because something was put into the computer and it was added wrong. I'VE NEVER BEEN SHOWED HOW TO DO THAT! Why would I do that? And for some stupid reason she thinks it was me. And then she goes and tells Aaron some dumb crap about April and he freaks out at her. We do so much for him and he never notices (or thanks us). "Oh, you worked 14 hours today? Well why didn't you get Sarah on break first? She's only been here for 2 hours." Screw him. Freakin jerk. I hope April quits on him and he's left with no one but the Mexicans.
Anyho, on a lighter note. I actually got a day off! Yeah! I've been playing this new game that's so fun. It's getting so hard though. It's called Professor Layton and the Curios Village. I was making April figure out all the puzzles I didn't figure out. Kali, Britt, and I tried figuring out this one puzzle and we still haven't figured it out yet. I'll write it later and maybe you can figure it out.
I haven't heard anything about that game. Sounds intriguing. Sorry about work. Are you thinking about quitting?
Who's Collette? I haven't really heard about her. Any word on taking over Brittyn's job? Love ya!
Hi it's Audrey Mullin! Good to see you on the web here. I hope all is well. I haven't seen you since you moved from Las Vegas to Utah!
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