Sunday, August 31, 2008
Horray Horray for work!
I wish I could have gone to Vegas with Mom and Dad. I am so jealous. I miss Nanny and Kev. If I didn't have to work I would have. Oh well. I hope you guys come down here soon. Bye!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Body In A Bag
So the other day I was up really late and I saw something so nasty. In went out to go get some food. (First I should say I live right next to a morgue. I always see them cremating people. [Well, I see the vent on top of the building that blows out ashes and stuff] ) So I was driving and their garage door was open. I slow down to see if there was an oven there (for the cremations) and there is a freakin dead body. It was off to the side of the wall and it was in a bag just waiting to be buried or burned. I freaked. Plus it didn't help that I had been watching a show where a guy is killing people. That morgue freaks me out and I hate thinking about me breathing in dead people. I always try to hold my breath when I see the smoke/ash coming out of the building. Ugh...
It's Got Me!
Good Things Come in 3's
3 Joys
-Being with Wade
-Playing Texas Hold-Em
-Watching T.V. and playing games and watching movies
3 Fears
-Losing Wade
-Not being able to get pregnant
-Losing my parents / family
3 Goals
-Learn the guitar/ piano
-Own a house and start our family
-Lose 40 more pounds
3 Current Obsessions
-Dexter ~now it's over though :(
-Spending money
3 Surprising Facts
-I'm a nerd (I guess it's not that surprising)
-I have a "potty" mouth (oops)
-I sometimes don't like the music Wade is getting into ~ I'm sorry.
I tag the only people I know, Nanny, Kali, and Mom
3 Joys
-Being with Wade
-Playing Texas Hold-Em
-Watching T.V. and playing games and watching movies
3 Fears
-Losing Wade
-Not being able to get pregnant
-Losing my parents / family
3 Goals
-Learn the guitar/ piano
-Own a house and start our family
-Lose 40 more pounds
3 Current Obsessions
-Dexter ~now it's over though :(
-Spending money
3 Surprising Facts
-I'm a nerd (I guess it's not that surprising)
-I have a "potty" mouth (oops)
-I sometimes don't like the music Wade is getting into ~ I'm sorry.
I tag the only people I know, Nanny, Kali, and Mom
Friday, August 22, 2008
Going Back To Rehab
So, I need to tell all of you something. I am addicted. I don't get any sleep any more. It's all I think about. It's been running through my head all day long and I can't stand it any more. I need MORE! I am almost done with the first season of Dexter. I can't handle it. I couldn't even work today because all I thought about was Dexter. I just thought all of you should know. You need to go buy the first season and watch it. You too will become addicted. And let me first apologize for getting you hooked (when you go buy it and watch it). I just HAVE to share it with someone!

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Don't You Smell Lovely?
I'm having a Scentsy Candle party on the 30th and I am super excited! They aren't actually candles but they are kind of like candle warmers. There's a little light bulb in the container and you put some wax on the top of it. It fills the whole house with the scent.
Some new news, I bought Dexter (a t.v. show on DVD) and it's awesome. I am so addicted to it. I got it $15 off and I am ready to buy the 2nd season even though I'm not even half way done with the first. During the day, the guy is a jovial employee in the Miami Metropolitan Police Department's crime lab, but his meticulously crafted life masks his true nature. In reality Dexter (the guy) is a disciplined and murderous psychopath (a self-admitted "monster"), and he slakes his blood lust at night by carefully killing the serial killers he tracks down during the day.
It sounds weird but, he has a hunger for blood (even as a little kid) so his dad who was a cop taught him how to cover his tracks so he would never be caught. He kills people who are horrible people. (Rapist, murders, etc.) You'll have to watch it!
Thursday, August 14, 2008

I've been so frustrated lately. Collette (who I normally love) has been the biggest ... Witch. To say at the least. She called me a liar (pretty much) because something was put into the computer and it was added wrong. I'VE NEVER BEEN SHOWED HOW TO DO THAT! Why would I do that? And for some stupid reason she thinks it was me. And then she goes and tells Aaron some dumb crap about April and he freaks out at her. We do so much for him and he never notices (or thanks us). "Oh, you worked 14 hours today? Well why didn't you get Sarah on break first? She's only been here for 2 hours." Screw him. Freakin jerk. I hope April quits on him and he's left with no one but the Mexicans.
Anyho, on a lighter note. I actually got a day off! Yeah! I've been playing this new game that's so fun. It's getting so hard though. It's called Professor Layton and the Curios Village. I was making April figure out all the puzzles I didn't figure out. Kali, Britt, and I tried figuring out this one puzzle and we still haven't figured it out yet. I'll write it later and maybe you can figure it out.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
I'm Singing In The Rain!!!

I love the rain! It was hailing earlier. I wish it would rain all the time! I would just be out of a job if I did. : ) This next month is going to be so crazy. I am working every day and most of them are open to close. It's better than having Staci work I guess. I'm training a new girl tomorrow. Hopefully she's a good worker, she catches on fast, and she's cool. I am bored and Kali needs to get home so we can go out to eat. Mom is driving me NUTS! I'm off!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I'm new here, be gentle...

So, Aaron talked with me yesterday. He would like me to take over Britin's job (since she had her baby) doing the schedule, doing more with the payroll, and becoming more of an assistant manager. Sweet. Hopefully they'll actually do it this time. I've been so freakin sick because of mom : ( Nothing new or exciting other than that.
"I can see your sadness. It's lovely."
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