Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I've been thinking about deleting this blog. I NEVER write on it.
Go look at my other blog! Ambria and Kubrick <3
I will update that a ton more than I will ever update this. Go check it out : )
Go look at my other blog! Ambria and Kubrick <3
I will update that a ton more than I will ever update this. Go check it out : )
Monday, February 22, 2010
Our Last Vacation
Sadly, this was our last vacation together. I was hoping for something a little better, but we did have some crazy fun. We walked around some casino and I think Wade won about $10. We went with friends (Noah and Jessica) and Noah won about $70 or so. So they took us out to eat. We just ate at the cafĂ© they had in the casino and we ended up just splitting our meals with each other. Then I went to Nan’s and went through her baby clothes that she is letting me borrow. I was hoping to stay and take them out to eat but I guess everyone was ready to go so I ended up leaving really early. Which I was bummed out about. On the way out of town, Noah wanted to stop and walk around Freemont Street. So we stopped and walked around the shops and Noah ended up getting robbed about $50. Some guy came up behind him and stuck him hands in Noah’s jacket pockets. They both fell to the floor and the money spilled out of his pockets. The guy tried to grab it off the floor and Noah whacked him with his skateboard wheels. (He had found a skateboard earlier in the day and wanted to skate down the street) The guy took off with most of his money but at least Noah got in a good whack at the guy : ) Haha. We left soon after that and returned home. I was hoping our last trip would be just the two of us and I hoped it would be longer and more relaxing but I had a ton of fun.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Quick Update
Not much is new. We moved into our new apartment after only living with his mom for a month. I just couldn’t handle Holly’s boyfriend. He was a jerk and thought he was the man of the house. And thought he owned everything and excepted everything to be handed to him. I couldn’t deal with him any longer and neither could Wade. I also couldn’t deal with them smoking weed all the time. They would come home high and eat all my food and then get mad at Wade for accidentally drinking some of their chocolate milk (that he thought we had bought. Because you know we bought all the food in the house.) And so I just had to get out of there. I was so depressed and angry all the time and we both couldn’t take it any longer. I had seen these apartments on Craigslist.com and it was such a good deal that I knew we just had to get them. I had looked at two other places and they were okay but I wasn’t in love with them. Right when I walked into these I knew that this was where we were supposed to be. That is what I felt like when I had found the apartments we were in before. And we lived there for 2&1/2 years and I LOVED those apartments. (I wish they had 2 bedroom apartments because I would love to go back) So we have gotten all moved in and almost all situated. There are a few things I don’t like about the apartments but nothing too serious. The landlords seem really nice and so I think we will enjoy living there.
I finally got Kubrick’s bedroom almost all set up this weekend. His crib is finally up and is so cute. I got his bouncer set up and almost all of his clothes are on hangers in his closet (and organized according to size). Almost every time I go to Target I buy one set of hangers. His PJs, shorts, and older clothes are the only things still left in his drawer. And I figure I will keep his shorts in the drawer and maybe some of his PJs that are two pieces. The footie PJs I will hang up. I just need to go through them all and take off the tags and such. I was going to wait so if he doesn’t fit into them I could return them but he will probably fit into all the clothes he has. So, go check out my baby blog. I posted some pictures of the baby shower.
I finally got Kubrick’s bedroom almost all set up this weekend. His crib is finally up and is so cute. I got his bouncer set up and almost all of his clothes are on hangers in his closet (and organized according to size). Almost every time I go to Target I buy one set of hangers. His PJs, shorts, and older clothes are the only things still left in his drawer. And I figure I will keep his shorts in the drawer and maybe some of his PJs that are two pieces. The footie PJs I will hang up. I just need to go through them all and take off the tags and such. I was going to wait so if he doesn’t fit into them I could return them but he will probably fit into all the clothes he has. So, go check out my baby blog. I posted some pictures of the baby shower.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Court and JERK FACE
Well court went well. I am so SO glad : ) I was there for almost 3 hours and I had been sick the whole time pretty much. My morning sickness is coming back : ( I also get super sick when it is too hot. And it was SO DANG hot! Everyone there needed a court appointed lawyer and they only had one for everyone so it took him about an hour and a half to interview everyone. And then it took almost an hour and a half for the judge to go over all the cases and I was almost the last person. There was a few people who also got tickets for no insurance. They got sentenced with a mandatory $400 fee, they lost their license, and had to get SR22 insurance for 3 years! I was freaking out when I heard this because I had spoke with the attorney and he told me we were doing a plea bargain (or whatever it was called) and that all I have to do is pay the fine and that was it. When the judge was talking to people he said, “No matter how you plea you will still lose your license and have to get SR22 for 3 years because that is the state law”. So I freaked out because I thought that no matter what that would happen to me too. Well I guess I was lucky because if you make a plea bargain then you don’t have to do that. All I have to do it pay the $400 fine, don’t get any tickets for a year, and show proof of insurance. WOO! Awesome!
James came down yesterday without any warning. Wade was at home and he saw a truck with a U-Haul pull up and back in the drive way and it was James. Wade hugged him and then he started going off on him about how this is his fault and that is his fault and blah blah blah. So Wade left because he made Wade so mad. I learned all this was going on as I was on my way into the court room. So that also added to my stress of the day because I couldn’t call him and find out what was going on. I guess Wade came back to the house with Stowe (Wade’s friend) and his mom. And I am freaking out this whole time because I know that James is going to try to steal something of ours and try to claim it as his own. He is so psycho! Off topic for a bit, one year for Christmas he bought Wade a game cube. Well about 6 months or so later James buys a new one for himself. He says to Wade, “I just bought this new game cube for me so if you want this old one (the one he gave Wade), you can pay me $60.” ??!! So I knew that he was going to pull some crap and do that to us. Well, guess who was right? He did take something of ours. OUR BED!!! Wendy was screaming at him saying, “How dare you take a bed from under a pregnant lady who is about to give birth.” James was like, whatever I do what I want : P No but he did say, “I don’t care. It’s my bed.” Wendy went back and said “You don’t even need it. You have your RV.” And so he ended up taking it anyway.
Before, yeah I was pissed, but I knew that I could forgive him and let him back into our lives but now there is no way. I don’t know any parent in their right mind who would willingly do that to their son and future grandchild. Where does he expect us to sleep? The floor?! Freakin jerk. He didn’t give a crap. He doesn’t care about any of us. I am done with him. He WILL NOT BE A PART OF KUBRICKS LIFE EVER! And I know he is not the type to apologize so I know he will never do that. He started yelling at Wade and said, “If you’re going to get physical then you need to get out of my house.” Wade said (censored version), “No, I am not getting out of the house.” “It’s my house and I pay the bills.” “NO DAD I am paying all the bills you promised you would pay!” And James said something about how Wade ruined his BBQ and stuff and Wade left again. SO MUCH DRAMA!
Not much else going on. I hope that once he leaves, he won’t come back. Wendy is going to be moving out as soon as the divorce is finalized. So if he ever does try to come back, he won’t know where we are. He will (unfortunately) know where Wendy and Holly are. Because they are moving across the street. With her boyfriend. Haha. If he ever does come back, he will FLIP OUT! Well I better go.
P.S. I am cheating. I can look at my registry and see what’s been bought. And I know that I have one thing boughten and 2 people are at Target right now buying me something : ) : ) : ) I am going to go look and see what they bought me.
James came down yesterday without any warning. Wade was at home and he saw a truck with a U-Haul pull up and back in the drive way and it was James. Wade hugged him and then he started going off on him about how this is his fault and that is his fault and blah blah blah. So Wade left because he made Wade so mad. I learned all this was going on as I was on my way into the court room. So that also added to my stress of the day because I couldn’t call him and find out what was going on. I guess Wade came back to the house with Stowe (Wade’s friend) and his mom. And I am freaking out this whole time because I know that James is going to try to steal something of ours and try to claim it as his own. He is so psycho! Off topic for a bit, one year for Christmas he bought Wade a game cube. Well about 6 months or so later James buys a new one for himself. He says to Wade, “I just bought this new game cube for me so if you want this old one (the one he gave Wade), you can pay me $60.” ??!! So I knew that he was going to pull some crap and do that to us. Well, guess who was right? He did take something of ours. OUR BED!!! Wendy was screaming at him saying, “How dare you take a bed from under a pregnant lady who is about to give birth.” James was like, whatever I do what I want : P No but he did say, “I don’t care. It’s my bed.” Wendy went back and said “You don’t even need it. You have your RV.” And so he ended up taking it anyway.
Before, yeah I was pissed, but I knew that I could forgive him and let him back into our lives but now there is no way. I don’t know any parent in their right mind who would willingly do that to their son and future grandchild. Where does he expect us to sleep? The floor?! Freakin jerk. He didn’t give a crap. He doesn’t care about any of us. I am done with him. He WILL NOT BE A PART OF KUBRICKS LIFE EVER! And I know he is not the type to apologize so I know he will never do that. He started yelling at Wade and said, “If you’re going to get physical then you need to get out of my house.” Wade said (censored version), “No, I am not getting out of the house.” “It’s my house and I pay the bills.” “NO DAD I am paying all the bills you promised you would pay!” And James said something about how Wade ruined his BBQ and stuff and Wade left again. SO MUCH DRAMA!
Not much else going on. I hope that once he leaves, he won’t come back. Wendy is going to be moving out as soon as the divorce is finalized. So if he ever does try to come back, he won’t know where we are. He will (unfortunately) know where Wendy and Holly are. Because they are moving across the street. With her boyfriend. Haha. If he ever does come back, he will FLIP OUT! Well I better go.
P.S. I am cheating. I can look at my registry and see what’s been bought. And I know that I have one thing boughten and 2 people are at Target right now buying me something : ) : ) : ) I am going to go look and see what they bought me.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My Rantings
So… Kind of a lot going on right now. I have court tomorrow and I am SO nervous about it. I hope I don’t lose my license. I am freaking out. Eeek. I am also looking for a new place to move in to and it is nerve racking also. I am SO ready to get out of this place. I can’t stand it any longer. I hate being around them when they are high and I CAN NOT STAND her boyfriend. I really dislike him so bad. I am so excited to get out of there. OH I CAN”T EVEN TELL YOU HOW HAPPY I AM : ) So I am happy to be getting out. I am very nervous that our credit is not going to check out and we won’t be able to leave and we will have to be stuck in this miserable hole forever. I found these apartments and I really like them. They are a little small but it is nicer than the ones I looked at the other day. They are newer and I think they are replacing the carpets.
It’s cute right? I really hope we can get in it SOON.
MY RANTINGS FOR THE DAY (it’s long and repetitive)
I can’t freakin stand to be in this house any longer. Holly NEVER cleans up after herself. Wendy comes home for a few hours (if that) a day and every time she does, she comments on how dirty the house is and tells Holly to clean and she says she will. She cleans a few dishes (or just sticks them in the dishwasher and doesn’t touch them afterwards) and then leaves the rest in the sink. The dishes have been piling up for DAYS now and it drives me NUTS! I always clean the dishes right after I use them so there is usually a few things on the drying rack (a spoon, cup, and a plate or so) from me and the other side of the sink is full of dirty dishes. It is SO full that the dishes are also all over the counters and the cupboards are bare. They bought a stupid little dog forever ago and they don’t EVER clean up after the dog. And they don’t care to potty train it either. They have a doggie door and a cage around the door so the dogs can be warm at night but can’t get into the house. THEY NEVER CLEAN THE DOG CAGE OUT!!!! I refuse to do it. I have never once cleaned up after the dog. So lately Wendy got sick of cleaning up after the dog (because Holly never does) and has been keeping them outside. I come home last night and all I smell is crap and pee. They let the dog back in the house. I CAN’T STAND THAT FREAKIN DOG! The whole 2 days (or whatever) he would whine and scratch the doggie door (and the glass door) hoping we would open it up. And it drives me nuts. I am about ready to throw him in the pond and hope he can’t get out. Wow. That’s horrible. But trust me. If all you smelt when you came home is crap and pee and NO ONE picks it up it would make you go crazy too. He poops and pees all over outside (and inside) and so I can’t go out and visit the kitties anymore because I don’t want to step in it. Literally it is ALL OVER the ground. And of course they don’t have any desire to potty train it or take care of it. For a while when Wendy didn’t come home for a few days, I had to go feed all the animals because they wouldn’t.
Pet peeve number 2 = I buy all the food in the house and they have never once paid for a thing. They eat all our food that I buy for MYSELF and they don’t ever offer to give us money. They do have money. They either spend it on weed or fast food. This may seem selfish but never once have they ever offered me any of their food when they go out to eat. And this, I think, is really rude. They went out to In N Out and ate it in front of me. When Wade came home they offered him some. I mean if you are going to offer food, offer it to everyone. And they had been eating in front of me for about 10 minutes before Wade came home too. It is just really rude. When we first moved in I went to Port of Subs once and we offered to get them a sandwich. I don’t remember them saying thanks and Holly was complaining about it the whole time. And then I get home the next day (or so) and they went out to eat somewhere and just ate it right in front of us. From that point on I told Wade I won’t ever buy them anything ever again. But I did buy food for Wade and I. I bought stuff to make sandwiches and Wade never got to eat one and I ate one sandwich. Guess who ate the rest? The whole month we’ve lived there they have bought maybe 2 gallons of milk and ice cream (which I don’t eat). EVERYTHING ELSE I HAVE BOUGHTEN!! They have never asked if they can eat the food or even say “Oh, I ate this, let me pay you for it” or Thanks. I am about to start labeling all the food A+W because maybe then they will realize that I am not their mom and I am not paying for them to eat anymore. Sounds mean but it would be a different story if they didn’t have money. I know they have money because they are always high. Obviously they have money if they can afford to get high all the time.
Okay I feel better now. I just texted Wade and told him I was going to label all the food when I get home. I expected him to get mad and say no. His response : Do you need a label maker? Haha. That’s awesome.
It’s cute right? I really hope we can get in it SOON.
MY RANTINGS FOR THE DAY (it’s long and repetitive)
I can’t freakin stand to be in this house any longer. Holly NEVER cleans up after herself. Wendy comes home for a few hours (if that) a day and every time she does, she comments on how dirty the house is and tells Holly to clean and she says she will. She cleans a few dishes (or just sticks them in the dishwasher and doesn’t touch them afterwards) and then leaves the rest in the sink. The dishes have been piling up for DAYS now and it drives me NUTS! I always clean the dishes right after I use them so there is usually a few things on the drying rack (a spoon, cup, and a plate or so) from me and the other side of the sink is full of dirty dishes. It is SO full that the dishes are also all over the counters and the cupboards are bare. They bought a stupid little dog forever ago and they don’t EVER clean up after the dog. And they don’t care to potty train it either. They have a doggie door and a cage around the door so the dogs can be warm at night but can’t get into the house. THEY NEVER CLEAN THE DOG CAGE OUT!!!! I refuse to do it. I have never once cleaned up after the dog. So lately Wendy got sick of cleaning up after the dog (because Holly never does) and has been keeping them outside. I come home last night and all I smell is crap and pee. They let the dog back in the house. I CAN’T STAND THAT FREAKIN DOG! The whole 2 days (or whatever) he would whine and scratch the doggie door (and the glass door) hoping we would open it up. And it drives me nuts. I am about ready to throw him in the pond and hope he can’t get out. Wow. That’s horrible. But trust me. If all you smelt when you came home is crap and pee and NO ONE picks it up it would make you go crazy too. He poops and pees all over outside (and inside) and so I can’t go out and visit the kitties anymore because I don’t want to step in it. Literally it is ALL OVER the ground. And of course they don’t have any desire to potty train it or take care of it. For a while when Wendy didn’t come home for a few days, I had to go feed all the animals because they wouldn’t.
Pet peeve number 2 = I buy all the food in the house and they have never once paid for a thing. They eat all our food that I buy for MYSELF and they don’t ever offer to give us money. They do have money. They either spend it on weed or fast food. This may seem selfish but never once have they ever offered me any of their food when they go out to eat. And this, I think, is really rude. They went out to In N Out and ate it in front of me. When Wade came home they offered him some. I mean if you are going to offer food, offer it to everyone. And they had been eating in front of me for about 10 minutes before Wade came home too. It is just really rude. When we first moved in I went to Port of Subs once and we offered to get them a sandwich. I don’t remember them saying thanks and Holly was complaining about it the whole time. And then I get home the next day (or so) and they went out to eat somewhere and just ate it right in front of us. From that point on I told Wade I won’t ever buy them anything ever again. But I did buy food for Wade and I. I bought stuff to make sandwiches and Wade never got to eat one and I ate one sandwich. Guess who ate the rest? The whole month we’ve lived there they have bought maybe 2 gallons of milk and ice cream (which I don’t eat). EVERYTHING ELSE I HAVE BOUGHTEN!! They have never asked if they can eat the food or even say “Oh, I ate this, let me pay you for it” or Thanks. I am about to start labeling all the food A+W because maybe then they will realize that I am not their mom and I am not paying for them to eat anymore. Sounds mean but it would be a different story if they didn’t have money. I know they have money because they are always high. Obviously they have money if they can afford to get high all the time.
Okay I feel better now. I just texted Wade and told him I was going to label all the food when I get home. I expected him to get mad and say no. His response : Do you need a label maker? Haha. That’s awesome.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
My Hopes and Fears For The Upcoming Year
It has been forever since I last updated. Last year was pretty crappy and I am hoping this year will be better.
Things to look forward to this year:
Kubrick being born : )
Moving into our own apartment
Our 4 year anniversary
Birthdays/Holidays (Will be so much funer with Kubrick here)
Being a mom/starting our family
Getting my first tattoo
Visiting Cali after Kub is born to see all the great great grandparents : )
That’s about it. I would love to move out of town but I don’t think we would ever do this. I need my job and my family. I get horribly depressed without them near me. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t visit them whenever I wanted.
Things I am NOT looking forward to this year:
Dealing with James and the divorce. I hope that he doesn’t come down to visit. I will not talk to him anymore. I refuse. What he did to us was so messed up and no parent in there right mind would do this crap to their kids and future grandkids.
Having to jump back into work and not being able to be a stay at home mom. That is going to be so hard for me. I really want to be able to stay with him every day and raise him myself but I know I can’t do that. I am all ready protective of him and I don’t trust anyone except Mom to watch him. I DO NOT want to have to leave him with Wendy. I will not let Holly watch him when I am not there. (Excpesially now that I know she is into drugs) I don’t want to take him to daycare. I don’t want to do any of this but I know I will have to compromise and give in somewhere so at least he is being watched by someone I know. I am really hoping that I get paid leave for at least a week or two so I can at least bond a little bit with him. If not, I will have to go straight back into work as soon as I can. I am going to have to work something out with my work so maybe I can work part time from home and do part time at work or work shorter hours during the week and work and extra day on Saturday so I can work during the day/morning while Wade is with him and have Wade go into work later in the day so at least he would be with one of us. Ugh so much to straighten out! I guess we will see how everything works out.
Having to let Wade’s grandpa see Kubrick. It sounds horrible but as most of you know he has Hepatitis C and doesn’t ever think about what he is doing. While we were living with him he would take a bite of his food and then hand it to Wade and said, “Here, try some.” Or one time he cut his hand and went to the kitchen sink (that had dirty dishes in it) to wash off his blood. Luckily we never got it because we knew not to do that and we were able to say “No, that’s okay. I am not in the mood for that food.” Or “You should wash your bloody hand in your bathroom.” Kubrick obviously can’t do that for himself and I am just so worried about Dave giving him it. When he comes down to visit, he always leaves his cups everywhere and eats off his food and leaves it on the table and ugh. He is just nasty and I don’t want anything bad to happen to Kub. If anything were to happen I would kill him very much.
Being fat and having to lose all this weight I’ve gained.
Having people push their religion down our throats or try to do it to Kub. That is something I worry about when he starts getting older. I DO NOT want anyone trying to tell him how to grow up or tell me how to raise my child. I know Wade’s family will do this. (Mainly his mom and grandpa) I want to do things on my own and raise him the way I want to raise him, not the way other people tell me to. If I need advice I will come to you.
Things I hope will happen this year:
Wade will either get a much better job or he will become full time and get a very big pay increase so I am not the one taking care of this family.
Kub, Wade, and I (and the rest of the family) will be healthy. I hope that Kub will be a healthy strong little guy and nothing is wrong with him. I worry about this a lot.
We will be financially okay. I worry about this day to day. I hope we can provide Kubrick with the best possible life and that we can pay all of our bills and still have food to eat.
Well that is about it I think. I hope we can survive this year better than we did last year.
Things to look forward to this year:
Kubrick being born : )
Moving into our own apartment
Our 4 year anniversary
Birthdays/Holidays (Will be so much funer with Kubrick here)
Being a mom/starting our family
Getting my first tattoo
Visiting Cali after Kub is born to see all the great great grandparents : )
That’s about it. I would love to move out of town but I don’t think we would ever do this. I need my job and my family. I get horribly depressed without them near me. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t visit them whenever I wanted.
Things I am NOT looking forward to this year:
Dealing with James and the divorce. I hope that he doesn’t come down to visit. I will not talk to him anymore. I refuse. What he did to us was so messed up and no parent in there right mind would do this crap to their kids and future grandkids.
Having to jump back into work and not being able to be a stay at home mom. That is going to be so hard for me. I really want to be able to stay with him every day and raise him myself but I know I can’t do that. I am all ready protective of him and I don’t trust anyone except Mom to watch him. I DO NOT want to have to leave him with Wendy. I will not let Holly watch him when I am not there. (Excpesially now that I know she is into drugs) I don’t want to take him to daycare. I don’t want to do any of this but I know I will have to compromise and give in somewhere so at least he is being watched by someone I know. I am really hoping that I get paid leave for at least a week or two so I can at least bond a little bit with him. If not, I will have to go straight back into work as soon as I can. I am going to have to work something out with my work so maybe I can work part time from home and do part time at work or work shorter hours during the week and work and extra day on Saturday so I can work during the day/morning while Wade is with him and have Wade go into work later in the day so at least he would be with one of us. Ugh so much to straighten out! I guess we will see how everything works out.
Having to let Wade’s grandpa see Kubrick. It sounds horrible but as most of you know he has Hepatitis C and doesn’t ever think about what he is doing. While we were living with him he would take a bite of his food and then hand it to Wade and said, “Here, try some.” Or one time he cut his hand and went to the kitchen sink (that had dirty dishes in it) to wash off his blood. Luckily we never got it because we knew not to do that and we were able to say “No, that’s okay. I am not in the mood for that food.” Or “You should wash your bloody hand in your bathroom.” Kubrick obviously can’t do that for himself and I am just so worried about Dave giving him it. When he comes down to visit, he always leaves his cups everywhere and eats off his food and leaves it on the table and ugh. He is just nasty and I don’t want anything bad to happen to Kub. If anything were to happen I would kill him very much.
Being fat and having to lose all this weight I’ve gained.
Having people push their religion down our throats or try to do it to Kub. That is something I worry about when he starts getting older. I DO NOT want anyone trying to tell him how to grow up or tell me how to raise my child. I know Wade’s family will do this. (Mainly his mom and grandpa) I want to do things on my own and raise him the way I want to raise him, not the way other people tell me to. If I need advice I will come to you.
Things I hope will happen this year:
Wade will either get a much better job or he will become full time and get a very big pay increase so I am not the one taking care of this family.
Kub, Wade, and I (and the rest of the family) will be healthy. I hope that Kub will be a healthy strong little guy and nothing is wrong with him. I worry about this a lot.
We will be financially okay. I worry about this day to day. I hope we can provide Kubrick with the best possible life and that we can pay all of our bills and still have food to eat.
Well that is about it I think. I hope we can survive this year better than we did last year.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
So Much Drama
As almost all of you know, Wade's mom and Dad are getting divocrced. Ugh and it has been the biggest mess ever. I always loved both of his parents (James and Wendy). Wendy was always so sweet and nice. And now I am almost to the point where I HATE her! She has completely turned 180 degrees and is the biggest freakin scumbag! She comes out of no where and tells James she wants a divorce. Blah blah blah, and she wants all of his money and wants him to pay for all of HER bills. He made a comparmise and said he will pay the morgage on the house and let her live there for free. (Me and Wade are going to move in with her and we will pay the cable, half of the internet, and utlities) And she refuses and is demanding James pay all of the other bills too. She also (before we had come to this agreement) wanted to squeeze $500 a month out of me and Wade to live in Holly's bedroom which is TINY! I was so pissed off because I know the morgage and the utilities are her biggest bills. And the only other bills she has to pay are HER phone bill, HER insurance, HER credit cards that are under her name, and Holly's insurance. Why the crap would she think he would pay for them? I don't know.
She is also demanding James to pay her allomony. She has 2 jobs right now and she has NO kids living with her. Holly will be 18 at the end of the year. She also went to the atterney and told him LIES!!!!! She told him James had verbally abused her their entire 23 year marriage. I again was so incrediblly pissed off. I even asked Wade if it was true (of course I hadn't grow up with him I wouldn't know but I know James would never do that) and he said no. He was a strict parent and of course he yelled at times but he never once put Wendy down or belittled her or the kids. So she is lying to try to get his money. And she is supossed to be this good Christian lady?? HA!
So to shorten the story a bit, Wendy has turned into a gold digging little wench and I am so depressed about this whole situation. I DO NOT want to move in with her. I freakin (almost) hate her! But James wants us to and so I will because it will help them and us but I am NOT HAPPY about it. I don't like Holly and don't want to live with either of them. They drive me nuts. UGHH! And I am just so upset about all of this. I don't want to have anything to do with any of her family (except her Grandparents. I love Great Grandma and Grandpa Marine). I don't want any of them in my life. (I like her real Dad and wouldn't mind seeing them every once and a while.) So I guess we will see what happens.
Tomorrow is Wendy's BDay and I was NOT HAPPY about having to buy her a birthday present. I almost didn't but I know I can't do that. I don't want to see her or talk to her or anything. I was just planning on texting her in the morning and letting Wade give her her present later that day. I really have no desire to see her or even try to make conversation with her. She's tried calling me a few times and I refuse to talk to her so I've been ignoring her calls. I don't care. Ugh, I wish this whole crap would end. I just am going to save up money for a new place and we will move out and we will take James's stuff with us and he can come and visit us any time he wants. NOT HAPPY : (
She is also demanding James to pay her allomony. She has 2 jobs right now and she has NO kids living with her. Holly will be 18 at the end of the year. She also went to the atterney and told him LIES!!!!! She told him James had verbally abused her their entire 23 year marriage. I again was so incrediblly pissed off. I even asked Wade if it was true (of course I hadn't grow up with him I wouldn't know but I know James would never do that) and he said no. He was a strict parent and of course he yelled at times but he never once put Wendy down or belittled her or the kids. So she is lying to try to get his money. And she is supossed to be this good Christian lady?? HA!
So to shorten the story a bit, Wendy has turned into a gold digging little wench and I am so depressed about this whole situation. I DO NOT want to move in with her. I freakin (almost) hate her! But James wants us to and so I will because it will help them and us but I am NOT HAPPY about it. I don't like Holly and don't want to live with either of them. They drive me nuts. UGHH! And I am just so upset about all of this. I don't want to have anything to do with any of her family (except her Grandparents. I love Great Grandma and Grandpa Marine). I don't want any of them in my life. (I like her real Dad and wouldn't mind seeing them every once and a while.) So I guess we will see what happens.
Tomorrow is Wendy's BDay and I was NOT HAPPY about having to buy her a birthday present. I almost didn't but I know I can't do that. I don't want to see her or talk to her or anything. I was just planning on texting her in the morning and letting Wade give her her present later that day. I really have no desire to see her or even try to make conversation with her. She's tried calling me a few times and I refuse to talk to her so I've been ignoring her calls. I don't care. Ugh, I wish this whole crap would end. I just am going to save up money for a new place and we will move out and we will take James's stuff with us and he can come and visit us any time he wants. NOT HAPPY : (
So just a reminder to everyone! I have a baby blog that I update more often than this. It is off to the side of this blog. Remember if you want to read it then add http://www.ambriasbaby.blogspot.com to your broser so you can see it and get upadted on stuff (like what I am having or whatever : )
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I Am A Fatty
So all my coworkers know how much of a fatty I am. One of them brought me a giant bag and set it next to me. I look inside and this is in it. 1 box of Oatmeal Creme Pies, 2 boxes of Zebra Cakes (which I LOVE) 2 boxes of Fall Party Cakes, 3 boxes of Cracker Jacks, 1 box of Swiss Rolls, 1 box of Ding Dongs, Halloween Oreos, 1 can of Pringles, big bag of Chex Mix, and 3 boxes of Peeps (variety). Yeah, can we say fatty? Haha. So now I have my bottom drawer of my filing cabnet is full of this candy. Oh I am in heaven and I feel like a huge fatty and I am too embarrassed to eat any of it : ) in front of people. But trust me, I will finish it all : )
Saturday, October 3, 2009
We were going to go down to Vegas this weekend to go to that Tattoo convention. I was excited about it at first when it was just we were going to tag along but then it turned into ‘we HAVE to take them’. We didn’t have any money and I was worried about it because I figured they would make us pay for something. Wade finally talked to his mom and Jessie didn’t have any money so now we aren’t going to go. I am happy because when I learned that Nan and fam were coming down I wanted to stay (but then learned that we had to take them) and so I was kind of pissed. So I am glad Jessie didn’t have money because I am so happy we are staying. It was the worst weekend to go anyway. James is down now too (which is why Wendy couldn’t take them. She didn’t want to leave James here by himself). Anyway I am listening to my music as I am typing so sorry if some of this doesn’t make any sense and is kind of random and off. I am so glad that James is down. Oh I love his food : ) and I have been craving it for the longest time. He is making BBQ tonight. I hope he makes potatoes too. And asparagus J *Wishful thinking*
We had a little pizza party for all the bdays for Sep and Oct. I have been looking forward to it and I was thinking I would dig in and eat a ton. I got a skinny slice of sausage and a normal size piece of pineapple and ham. I couldn’t finish either. I don’t know why. And then they brought out the cupcakes and it was the BEST cupcake I have ever had! Oh yum!! Chocolate chocolate chip with a little more chocolate. Kevin came up to me and asked if I had gotten enough and I was in the middle in my cupcake and I said I could use another cupcake if I wasn’t so full and he went up and got me another cupcake : ) I am excited to eat it. And now we are talking about hair. Every Kevin I have ever known has been so nice and easy to get along with and they are all funny. (Kevin bro-in-law, Kevin cousin, Kevin ex-coworker, and now this Kevin coworker). I am going to like this job just because of the free food. I think it was last week we had a meeting with the insurance people and they brought pizza and we got free food too. And it’s Papa John’s not cheap crap like Little Ceazers (I love Little Ceazers pizza J). Which reminds me! At that insurance meeting they discussed benefits for new employees!! I am going to get on the benefits right away and I don’t have to wait 90 days!! WOOFREAKINHOO!!! They are going to just everyone get right onto the benefits and anyone who starts after October 1st will have to wait the 90 days. I just wish we could have done this meeting sooner. I have waited 30 days but that’s okay. The only sucky thing is that there is a $500 deductible (which isn’t bad) but it restarts in January so we are going to have to pay 2 deductibles. Which is fine. It’s better than paying $10,000. So I am happy that I don’t have to wait. I was hoping that we would get it soon (the insurance cards) so I could give it to the doctor on Tuesday but I don’t think I will get it that soon. I think it will take more than a week to process. I guess the meeting was this Monday so it will probably go onto our paychecks next week and soon after that I will get the card in the mail. I guess I can always call the doctor and set it up over the phone. That’s a good idea! One thing that made me feel good today was something Loyd wrote to me “Your consistency is impeccable.. This report has been a “hit and miss” report over the last several weeks.. is nice to see it come every Friday. Doing a GREAT job Ambria!!!” And then Aaron wrote an email saying keep up the good work soon after : ) Aawwhh!
Wade finally has an interview this Tuesday! Yay! The only sucky thing is that it’s up in Cedar. That would be a crappy commute! (Right Dad?) That’s a ton of gas! (Which sucks because he already goes through a ton of gas in the first place! Twice as much as me) They seemed really happy he called back so I hope if he does get it that they pay well. At least $10 would be great! That would help us pay all of our bills.
I had to go drop Wade off at his parents today and I was gone for a whole hour so I have to stay until 5 : ( I feel like today has been so long. It will be a 10 hour day. That’s okay. I am so excited for food tonight and to see the family tomorrow. I am *hopefully* going to wake up early and that way I can spend all day with them. But I will most likely go over at like 12. I am hoping mom will cut my hair next week. I am SO sick of it!! I am putting it up every day and I am just ready to grab a pair of scissors and cut it myself. It is almost 3:30 so I only have an hour and a half more! Woo! I am so happy! I got my iPod fixed somehow and so now I have MY music back on my iPod! Yay! It is nice to put in my headphones and listen to my music. It makes me not want to do some of my work (the kind where I have to call people and have my music out J). I guess I should get to work. I don’t really have anything to do. I have to wait for Staci to come back. I am so tired. I was going to take the food home from work (someone has been stealing food from the fridge) but I don’t want to have to take out everything I have. So far none of my food has been stolen but they (whoever is stealing food) have taken the expensive nice food. (A nice $7 sandwich, tons of Pepsi, and some frozen foods) I have cheep food (Top Ramen, $1 burrito, and 59 cent pot pie). So I don’t think someone would steal my food over the food they have. Hopefully. I wish I was able to go home at 4! That would be sweet! Oh well. Well I should probably go now. I should do some work…
We had a little pizza party for all the bdays for Sep and Oct. I have been looking forward to it and I was thinking I would dig in and eat a ton. I got a skinny slice of sausage and a normal size piece of pineapple and ham. I couldn’t finish either. I don’t know why. And then they brought out the cupcakes and it was the BEST cupcake I have ever had! Oh yum!! Chocolate chocolate chip with a little more chocolate. Kevin came up to me and asked if I had gotten enough and I was in the middle in my cupcake and I said I could use another cupcake if I wasn’t so full and he went up and got me another cupcake : ) I am excited to eat it. And now we are talking about hair. Every Kevin I have ever known has been so nice and easy to get along with and they are all funny. (Kevin bro-in-law, Kevin cousin, Kevin ex-coworker, and now this Kevin coworker). I am going to like this job just because of the free food. I think it was last week we had a meeting with the insurance people and they brought pizza and we got free food too. And it’s Papa John’s not cheap crap like Little Ceazers (I love Little Ceazers pizza J). Which reminds me! At that insurance meeting they discussed benefits for new employees!! I am going to get on the benefits right away and I don’t have to wait 90 days!! WOOFREAKINHOO!!! They are going to just everyone get right onto the benefits and anyone who starts after October 1st will have to wait the 90 days. I just wish we could have done this meeting sooner. I have waited 30 days but that’s okay. The only sucky thing is that there is a $500 deductible (which isn’t bad) but it restarts in January so we are going to have to pay 2 deductibles. Which is fine. It’s better than paying $10,000. So I am happy that I don’t have to wait. I was hoping that we would get it soon (the insurance cards) so I could give it to the doctor on Tuesday but I don’t think I will get it that soon. I think it will take more than a week to process. I guess the meeting was this Monday so it will probably go onto our paychecks next week and soon after that I will get the card in the mail. I guess I can always call the doctor and set it up over the phone. That’s a good idea! One thing that made me feel good today was something Loyd wrote to me “Your consistency is impeccable.. This report has been a “hit and miss” report over the last several weeks.. is nice to see it come every Friday. Doing a GREAT job Ambria!!!” And then Aaron wrote an email saying keep up the good work soon after : ) Aawwhh!
Wade finally has an interview this Tuesday! Yay! The only sucky thing is that it’s up in Cedar. That would be a crappy commute! (Right Dad?) That’s a ton of gas! (Which sucks because he already goes through a ton of gas in the first place! Twice as much as me) They seemed really happy he called back so I hope if he does get it that they pay well. At least $10 would be great! That would help us pay all of our bills.
I had to go drop Wade off at his parents today and I was gone for a whole hour so I have to stay until 5 : ( I feel like today has been so long. It will be a 10 hour day. That’s okay. I am so excited for food tonight and to see the family tomorrow. I am *hopefully* going to wake up early and that way I can spend all day with them. But I will most likely go over at like 12. I am hoping mom will cut my hair next week. I am SO sick of it!! I am putting it up every day and I am just ready to grab a pair of scissors and cut it myself. It is almost 3:30 so I only have an hour and a half more! Woo! I am so happy! I got my iPod fixed somehow and so now I have MY music back on my iPod! Yay! It is nice to put in my headphones and listen to my music. It makes me not want to do some of my work (the kind where I have to call people and have my music out J). I guess I should get to work. I don’t really have anything to do. I have to wait for Staci to come back. I am so tired. I was going to take the food home from work (someone has been stealing food from the fridge) but I don’t want to have to take out everything I have. So far none of my food has been stolen but they (whoever is stealing food) have taken the expensive nice food. (A nice $7 sandwich, tons of Pepsi, and some frozen foods) I have cheep food (Top Ramen, $1 burrito, and 59 cent pot pie). So I don’t think someone would steal my food over the food they have. Hopefully. I wish I was able to go home at 4! That would be sweet! Oh well. Well I should probably go now. I should do some work…
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Crazy Lady and Random Stuff
So I went into the bathroom (They are public and you have to access them from the outside so pretty much anyone can just walk into them). When I come in, there is a lady there but me being shy I don’t really look at her I just quickly walk past into the stall. I notice a bag on the counter and bags in one of the stalls. I don’t think anything of it at first but while I am going I hear her rip off paper towels so I am thinking she is going to leave and such but she goes back into the stall. Weird. So I start thinking maybe this is a homeless lady just cleaning up or something. I come out and her bag that was on the counter was gone (in the stall with her). I try to peak under the stall to see if I can see anything but I just see bags (like a big purse and a blue bag and some other random stuff). I didn’t want to tell anyone just in case it was actually a worker and I am accusing her of being homeless. AKWARD!! So about a half hour goes by (maybe an hour) and some guy came in and says something about a crazy screaming lady yelling at Sara (a girl that works down here). I think maybe it’s her crazy ex husbands girlfriend or mom or something (she’s been having a lot of problems going on with her crazy ex husband lately). 15 more minutes pass and Staci comes back in (another girl) and tells me about the crazy lady in the bathroom. Humm… Is it the same lady? Yes. Staci was going to the bathroom and this lady just starts screaming (she is in the stall yelling). Staci thinks maybe she is just talking on the phone but this lady just won’t stop yelling so Staci hurries out and warns Sara not to go into the bathroom. Sara is talking on the phone and just starts going out to the parking lot when she hears this crazy lady screaming at her. She turns around and the lady is walking right for her. So she turns back around and keeps walking away towards her car. This lady is screaming at Sara and dropping F-Bombs and such (and she is yelling about nothing I guess. About bags or baskets or something). So the crazy lady eventually starts veering off to the other side of the parking lot but she is still screaming. Sara is hiding behind cars and the lady is trying to look for her (she must not have been able to find her) and she leaves. She is walking on the street and she is still screaming!! Haha. I get crazy ladies every place I work! I am just glad she didn’t start her screaming fest with me. I would have kind of freaked out. Hmm..
SO!! My new phone is cute and purple. Haha. It’s a Motorola which sucks. (They break easily. Well at least all of Holly’s Motorola’s have). Like I said in the last post (I think it was), the Verizon store by Target didn’t have any free or semi cheap phone and I was bummed out. I went in there again yesterday to really look at the pricing and the cheapest phone they had was $80 plus I’m sure it had activation fees (they had rebates but you still have to pay that up front and I don’t have that much money) and the phones were a piece of crap!! So I went to Costco (where I got my phone originally) and asked them what the cheapest phone they had. They only carried 4 phones but they had one for free!! (My phone) You don’t have to pay anything except the sales tax (which was less than $5). They give you a rebate for the activation fee (which goes on the next months bill) so I got a phone for $5!! I don’t have an active Costco card anymore (to get into Costco all you have to do is show your card but in order to actually pay for things you have to have an active card). So I called Wendy to see if I could use her card. Awesome. I am so glad I finally have a phone. MY OWN PHONE! I am moving up in the world : ) Haha.
Today has been dragging on SO LONG!! I am so tired and I just want to go to bed. I don’t want to take a nap because I will not be able to sleep but I don’t want to go to bed at 7. That’s what I hate about these hours. I am at work all day long and it feels like I am going to bed only 2 hours after I get home. (which isn’t true but that’s what it sounds like) I am so super bored and I am not hungry but I want to make food to help pass the time. Haha. I am trying to do everything slow so the time will go by faster. I wrote down a page or two about just random thoughts and now this. And I swear there has not even been an hour go by. I still have 2 more hours until I get off work. Actually 2 ½ or 3 hours. I swear it was 3 hours like 2 hours ago. I hate these days where I don’t have anything to do. I am just waiting on people to call or email me. There is a meeting tomorrow and I wish it was for today!! I wish it were Friday because I am ready for some days off. I am feeling kind of sick today. Woke up with another headache. Nothing too bad or serious. But it won’t go away. I need more clothes for work. I have 4 shirts that are okay to wear to work but the rest (that I HAVE to wear) are so horrible and don’t fit me and are so ugly and not really work appropriate. I was going to get some this week but somehow we don’t have money. Again. I want to go to bed. I wish I had my own little cubicle so I could play on my iPod during these times. I also wish my iPod had music on it. Somehow my music got erased off of it and I’ve tried putting it back on but it won’t work. So I have one song (that I bought off iTunes off my iPod) which is The Moody Blues – Tuesday Afternoon. I use to have The Offspring – Kristy, Are You Doing Okay? (another one I just bought straight off the iPod) but when I tried putting my music onto it, it erased it too. So I have been using Wade’s iPod at work but I couldn’t find it today. Which is why I am writing a blog post and whining instead of doing something more productive. (Well if I had something productive to do) I just feel like crap today. I am so freakin tired and my head is still bugging me. Wade keeps trying to tell me I need to talk to the doctor about my migraines (which I have been planning on doing when I see her) but I don’t think there is anything I can take (besides Tylenol). Plus I don’t know if I would even take anything. I have a hard time even taking Tylenol which is totally fine to take I am just weird like that.
My pants I am wearing are too tight on my big belly. Both of the buckles are undone on my pants. Hehe. I got work to do for a second there and now I am back to doing nothing. WOWOWOWOWOOO!! Only 1 more hour and 15 minutes. YES!!! I am so excited! Screw it. I am going to bed at 7 tonight. I have also decided I HATE WEDNESDAYS!!!! Haha and Tuesday mornings! 2 Garbage truck guys come. One at like 5 and the next at like 7. They are so loud and always wake me up. Almost done now! Yipee : )
SO!! My new phone is cute and purple. Haha. It’s a Motorola which sucks. (They break easily. Well at least all of Holly’s Motorola’s have). Like I said in the last post (I think it was), the Verizon store by Target didn’t have any free or semi cheap phone and I was bummed out. I went in there again yesterday to really look at the pricing and the cheapest phone they had was $80 plus I’m sure it had activation fees (they had rebates but you still have to pay that up front and I don’t have that much money) and the phones were a piece of crap!! So I went to Costco (where I got my phone originally) and asked them what the cheapest phone they had. They only carried 4 phones but they had one for free!! (My phone) You don’t have to pay anything except the sales tax (which was less than $5). They give you a rebate for the activation fee (which goes on the next months bill) so I got a phone for $5!! I don’t have an active Costco card anymore (to get into Costco all you have to do is show your card but in order to actually pay for things you have to have an active card). So I called Wendy to see if I could use her card. Awesome. I am so glad I finally have a phone. MY OWN PHONE! I am moving up in the world : ) Haha.
Today has been dragging on SO LONG!! I am so tired and I just want to go to bed. I don’t want to take a nap because I will not be able to sleep but I don’t want to go to bed at 7. That’s what I hate about these hours. I am at work all day long and it feels like I am going to bed only 2 hours after I get home. (which isn’t true but that’s what it sounds like) I am so super bored and I am not hungry but I want to make food to help pass the time. Haha. I am trying to do everything slow so the time will go by faster. I wrote down a page or two about just random thoughts and now this. And I swear there has not even been an hour go by. I still have 2 more hours until I get off work. Actually 2 ½ or 3 hours. I swear it was 3 hours like 2 hours ago. I hate these days where I don’t have anything to do. I am just waiting on people to call or email me. There is a meeting tomorrow and I wish it was for today!! I wish it were Friday because I am ready for some days off. I am feeling kind of sick today. Woke up with another headache. Nothing too bad or serious. But it won’t go away. I need more clothes for work. I have 4 shirts that are okay to wear to work but the rest (that I HAVE to wear) are so horrible and don’t fit me and are so ugly and not really work appropriate. I was going to get some this week but somehow we don’t have money. Again. I want to go to bed. I wish I had my own little cubicle so I could play on my iPod during these times. I also wish my iPod had music on it. Somehow my music got erased off of it and I’ve tried putting it back on but it won’t work. So I have one song (that I bought off iTunes off my iPod) which is The Moody Blues – Tuesday Afternoon. I use to have The Offspring – Kristy, Are You Doing Okay? (another one I just bought straight off the iPod) but when I tried putting my music onto it, it erased it too. So I have been using Wade’s iPod at work but I couldn’t find it today. Which is why I am writing a blog post and whining instead of doing something more productive. (Well if I had something productive to do) I just feel like crap today. I am so freakin tired and my head is still bugging me. Wade keeps trying to tell me I need to talk to the doctor about my migraines (which I have been planning on doing when I see her) but I don’t think there is anything I can take (besides Tylenol). Plus I don’t know if I would even take anything. I have a hard time even taking Tylenol which is totally fine to take I am just weird like that.
My pants I am wearing are too tight on my big belly. Both of the buckles are undone on my pants. Hehe. I got work to do for a second there and now I am back to doing nothing. WOWOWOWOWOOO!! Only 1 more hour and 15 minutes. YES!!! I am so excited! Screw it. I am going to bed at 7 tonight. I have also decided I HATE WEDNESDAYS!!!! Haha and Tuesday mornings! 2 Garbage truck guys come. One at like 5 and the next at like 7. They are so loud and always wake me up. Almost done now! Yipee : )
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
New Phone
Just realized I had my phone number out and open to the public for everyone to see. Don't want to do that!!! OOPS!
Monday, September 21, 2009
I am hoping to get a new phone. I hate not having a phone anymore!! My phone has become Wade’s phone. He forgets to tell me when someone calls or texts and I randomly look through the inbox and see Kali or someone texted me 3 days ago. So sorry if I don’t call back or text back : ) It’s either Wade forgetting to tell me or me forgetting to actually call back. I went into the Verizon store next to Target and NO phones were free. The cheapest was $20 but that was after a rebate. And I have to pay for the set up fees and other crap. I went into Best Buy and they had free phones with a 2 year agreement. I don’t know if I can get it for free because I am just adding onto a plan. So I am going to go to Costco (which is where I got my phone originally) and hope they will let me add a new phone for free. I only paid for the sales tax on the phone when I got it and I think I paid like $30 for the activation but it was a rebate and got it back. The phone we have was over $100 (before the rebate) at the Verizon store by Target and I got it for free at Costco (No rebates or anything). I also looked online at the Verizon store and they have phones for free so if I can’t find anything around town I might just get one from there.
So at work they gave me 11 Merchant Accounts to run ON MY OWN! AAAHHH!! The other 2 girls who have been here forever have 2 or 3. EEKKK! But their accounts are really big accounts and mine are smaller but still I am freaking out a bit. Just a bit. Just because I have no idea what I am doing and I am spending my days playing around and writing my shopping lists and my blog updates because I don’t have anything else to do. They are so busy with their accounts and don’t have time to show me how to do anything. It is 1 and I am going to be leaving at 3:30 so I don’t have much longer! WOO!! Oh and I am so freakin happy!! I got PAID TODAY!!! I only got paid for 3 days of work but I got $265!! WOOOHOO! $100 to Wendy (for Wade’s car) $100 to Insurance and $65 to phone bill. Yay. I have 95 cents to spend! Hehe. I am glad to be getting paid every week instead of twice a month. The only thing that sucks about this is that I was use to being able to pay rent with one pay check instead of having to have to save for it. I am hoping to get paid at least $440 after tax so I will have $40 a week to spend on food. Next month will be better when I get money I can spend every week that way I can pay my bills on time instead of having to wait until the 5th or the 20th to pay bills.
Me, Wade, Wendy, Holly, and Holly’s bf Jessie are going to go to a tattoo convention on the 2nd. I am so excited! I always wanted to go to one!! Don’t hate me (Mom and Dad) but I am so looking forward to getting one. I decided once Peanut is born then I am going to get my tattoos. I have 3 ideas. I only have one finished idea and the other two are close to being finished. (P.S. Peanut=Baby I am sick of having to say the baby, Peanut is much easier) (Jessie wants to become a tattoo artist and that’s why we are going.) I had one idea and have tried making it perfect in my head before even talking to an artist and it’s been 3 years since I first came up with the idea and I am finally almost done. I have always waited on getting it because of James. I just recently decided that I am getting it once Peanut is born. He HATES tattoos. Wade still has never told his dad about it. He waited about a year before he told his mom about it and he still hasn’t told his dad yet. We went down to Cali awhile back ago and Wade’s cousin got a small tattoo on her wrist (just a word in Italian) and he FREAKED!! It is not even his own kid and he freaked out. Which is why I haven’t gotten one yet. I want mine on my wrists. I don’t want them anywhere else. They are for me (a reminder) and I want to actually see them which is one of the reasons why I choose the wrists. I never wear sleeveless shirts so it would be pointless to get one on my back or upper arms. Again, I want this for me and I want to be able to see it. I almost never wear shorts and I hate my legs so I would never get any on my legs either. People (including Wade) have tried talking me out of the wrists but I’ve made up my mind. James will just have to deal with it. I am just really worried about showing/telling him about it but it’s going to happen so I better get this over with. So yes, I am planning on getting 3 (as of right now) tattoos. I have always wanted sleeves SO bad! But I figured I would never get them because I would be too chicken
But I would love to have sleeves. Which is why I am so okay with the 2 wrist tattoos. My 3rd will probably be somewhere different. I haven’t decided quite what it’s going to be or where I want it. Another year in the making.
I have been writing this for like an hour and a half or so…. Maybe I should get to work. Oops. If I had something to do….
So at work they gave me 11 Merchant Accounts to run ON MY OWN! AAAHHH!! The other 2 girls who have been here forever have 2 or 3. EEKKK! But their accounts are really big accounts and mine are smaller but still I am freaking out a bit. Just a bit. Just because I have no idea what I am doing and I am spending my days playing around and writing my shopping lists and my blog updates because I don’t have anything else to do. They are so busy with their accounts and don’t have time to show me how to do anything. It is 1 and I am going to be leaving at 3:30 so I don’t have much longer! WOO!! Oh and I am so freakin happy!! I got PAID TODAY!!! I only got paid for 3 days of work but I got $265!! WOOOHOO! $100 to Wendy (for Wade’s car) $100 to Insurance and $65 to phone bill. Yay. I have 95 cents to spend! Hehe. I am glad to be getting paid every week instead of twice a month. The only thing that sucks about this is that I was use to being able to pay rent with one pay check instead of having to have to save for it. I am hoping to get paid at least $440 after tax so I will have $40 a week to spend on food. Next month will be better when I get money I can spend every week that way I can pay my bills on time instead of having to wait until the 5th or the 20th to pay bills.
Me, Wade, Wendy, Holly, and Holly’s bf Jessie are going to go to a tattoo convention on the 2nd. I am so excited! I always wanted to go to one!! Don’t hate me (Mom and Dad) but I am so looking forward to getting one. I decided once Peanut is born then I am going to get my tattoos. I have 3 ideas. I only have one finished idea and the other two are close to being finished. (P.S. Peanut=Baby I am sick of having to say the baby, Peanut is much easier) (Jessie wants to become a tattoo artist and that’s why we are going.) I had one idea and have tried making it perfect in my head before even talking to an artist and it’s been 3 years since I first came up with the idea and I am finally almost done. I have always waited on getting it because of James. I just recently decided that I am getting it once Peanut is born. He HATES tattoos. Wade still has never told his dad about it. He waited about a year before he told his mom about it and he still hasn’t told his dad yet. We went down to Cali awhile back ago and Wade’s cousin got a small tattoo on her wrist (just a word in Italian) and he FREAKED!! It is not even his own kid and he freaked out. Which is why I haven’t gotten one yet. I want mine on my wrists. I don’t want them anywhere else. They are for me (a reminder) and I want to actually see them which is one of the reasons why I choose the wrists. I never wear sleeveless shirts so it would be pointless to get one on my back or upper arms. Again, I want this for me and I want to be able to see it. I almost never wear shorts and I hate my legs so I would never get any on my legs either. People (including Wade) have tried talking me out of the wrists but I’ve made up my mind. James will just have to deal with it. I am just really worried about showing/telling him about it but it’s going to happen so I better get this over with. So yes, I am planning on getting 3 (as of right now) tattoos. I have always wanted sleeves SO bad! But I figured I would never get them because I would be too chicken

But I would love to have sleeves. Which is why I am so okay with the 2 wrist tattoos. My 3rd will probably be somewhere different. I haven’t decided quite what it’s going to be or where I want it. Another year in the making.
I have been writing this for like an hour and a half or so…. Maybe I should get to work. Oops. If I had something to do….
15 Weeks (A few Days Late)
I have still been sick this week. I keep thinking it’s going to get better because I am now in the 2nd trimester (which is when they say you are supposed to get better) and I think it’s gotten worse. Some days it’s not bad but it seems like every day I feel sick a few times during the day : ( Today I woke up with a headache so I took a bath instead of a shower and ate an apple and played the NEW Professor Layton game that Colin’s mom let me borrow and felt better. So I went to work and got sick twice and I thought maybe I was going to have a migraine or something but it got better and I ate some Top Ramen and a Pepsi (which I have been really into lately) and now I don’t feel so crappy. When I get sick or feel sick I always think I am getting sick and am getting what everyone is getting (that 24 hour flu thing) and I never think “Oh this is just M/S”. Even though it’s been only M/S this whole time. I am just hoping it will get better and GO AWAY!!
I had the most wonderful dream two nights ago. I had my little baby GIRL! Haha. She was a cutie and she kind of had chubby checks and it was a good dream. It is the first time I had a dream about the baby. Then last night I had a dream that a had a boy but he looked exactly like Tegan (Kassie and Spence’s baby). I liked the first dream better. Both really weird dreams. So I decided I am going to make a new page for the baby updates because they are more for me. So I am going to give you the link. THE NEW LINK IS http://www.ambriasbaby.blogspot.com So make sure to star that site because from now on that is where I am going to be posting these blogs.
I am also going to really add my belly pics. If I ever freakin take them. I keep forgetting. I want to take them at the same time everyday (in the morning before I eat and my belly is huge) but I keep forgetting. So I have one from like 12 weeks and some odd day and that’s it. I will start taking them and posting them soon. Maybe. Who knows….
Earlier in the pregnancy I said that my skin was super dry and was flaking off on my back. Well now it’s in the freakin weirdest place. My inner left ear. Haha. I don’t know if it’s pregnancy related but it is the weirdest thing. It is like I got a sunburn in my ear and now it’s peeling. Sorry this is gross but I am peeling off the skin in my ear. Haha. It’s nasty. Should I put lotion in it? Haha. When we went to the doctors she hear the heartbeat on the left side. I have been feeling like (this is kind of hard to explain) little stretches in my muscles on my left side and I figure that’s Peanut moving around. Sometimes when I get up and drink something cold and eat I feel that area … stretching? Maybe that’s not the best way to describe it. It feels like (to be blunt) my uterus is stretching (in the left side mostly) and I just figure it’s Peanut waking up and stretching and moving around. I can’t wait until it is real defined kicks that I can feel and even see.
**UPDATE** 15 Weeks 3 Days - I was feeling Peanut move around last night. So cute!
I had the most wonderful dream two nights ago. I had my little baby GIRL! Haha. She was a cutie and she kind of had chubby checks and it was a good dream. It is the first time I had a dream about the baby. Then last night I had a dream that a had a boy but he looked exactly like Tegan (Kassie and Spence’s baby). I liked the first dream better. Both really weird dreams. So I decided I am going to make a new page for the baby updates because they are more for me. So I am going to give you the link. THE NEW LINK IS http://www.ambriasbaby.blogspot.com So make sure to star that site because from now on that is where I am going to be posting these blogs.
I am also going to really add my belly pics. If I ever freakin take them. I keep forgetting. I want to take them at the same time everyday (in the morning before I eat and my belly is huge) but I keep forgetting. So I have one from like 12 weeks and some odd day and that’s it. I will start taking them and posting them soon. Maybe. Who knows….
Earlier in the pregnancy I said that my skin was super dry and was flaking off on my back. Well now it’s in the freakin weirdest place. My inner left ear. Haha. I don’t know if it’s pregnancy related but it is the weirdest thing. It is like I got a sunburn in my ear and now it’s peeling. Sorry this is gross but I am peeling off the skin in my ear. Haha. It’s nasty. Should I put lotion in it? Haha. When we went to the doctors she hear the heartbeat on the left side. I have been feeling like (this is kind of hard to explain) little stretches in my muscles on my left side and I figure that’s Peanut moving around. Sometimes when I get up and drink something cold and eat I feel that area … stretching? Maybe that’s not the best way to describe it. It feels like (to be blunt) my uterus is stretching (in the left side mostly) and I just figure it’s Peanut waking up and stretching and moving around. I can’t wait until it is real defined kicks that I can feel and even see.
**UPDATE** 15 Weeks 3 Days - I was feeling Peanut move around last night. So cute!
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