Thursday, October 30, 2008
Some more work!
So I am at work right now (my second job [the hotel]) and this is my first day that I was by myself. (It, luckily was only for 3 hours) We HAVE to have a credit card in order to give the people their rooms. If their card gets declined, it comes out of our pay check. (which I am not going to let happen) So anyway... this ladies card gets declined and I am like "well, I can't give you the room because the card was declined." She starts freaking out at me saying well there should be enough money on the card and that is dumb because I'm not even going to be paying with this card any way. I am paying with cash so you need to let me have the room. BLAH BLAH BLAH. I'll tell you the story later I am going to go home. I'm sleepy.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Hotel California...
So I got a second job working at a Comfort Inn. I don't think I can do this, but I am going to try as long as possible. We got the new Guitar Hero for the wii last night. It's awesome, but we didn't buy it with the drum set which sucks. It has so many good songs. Eventually we are going to get it with a new guitar, drums, and a mic. That way everyone can play it when they are down.
Anyway, I better go get ready for work! Yay

Anyway, I better go get ready for work! Yay
Sunday, October 5, 2008
X-Mas Presents!

Even though X-Mas is so far away, I need to start thinking of ideas so I don't rush around at the last minute like I normally do. So please everyone give me some ideas, not only for you but for everyone else too. (Especially Dad!)

I am so excited for the winter. I love when it's all cold (and I'm not getting headaches from the heat), and I really love seeing all the decoration on peoples houses. It's so fun to get into that "Christmas spirit"!

So I have a few ideas, but not many so PLEASE tell me everything you want, even if it's $500! Plus, I need an idea for Micah's birthday. Well, I am so bored. I am over at Mom's house waiting for Wade to be done hanging out with his friend. I don't have much else to say. Bye!
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Friday, October 3, 2008
It's like these aliens are on this weird planet and there are these little humans running around. (kind of like ants to us) The aliens take these little humans and use them as pets. They kind of mistreat them (except for one little alien boy) and they go on these exterminating hunts where they try to kill all the little humans. It made me feel so bad about killing animals. You know when you see a spider and the first thing you think about is killing it. That's kind of how the aliens were. It sounds weird, but it was a good movie. Anyway, I got to go so I can make Wade's friend a beanie.

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Baby Fever

So, Wade's friend that he works with, Spence, just had his baby. Britin had her baby. Nanny is going to have hers soon. That's all I think about any more. I know it would be smarter to wait until we are more finacially stable, but I want one SO bad! I know they are hard work and they take ALL your time and you won't have any time for anything, but they are the best things in the whole world. I can't wait to be a fat little pregnant woman and having the baby kick my ribs and make me puke and everything. And then after a while they start walking and runing everywhere.
I am afraid that the baby will health problems (Like Kali's or him having to loose all his hair when he's 8, or having something wrong during delivery, stuff like that). I am also very scared that I am not going to be able to get prego. ( Or have miscarages) I really have a feeling that I am not able to have kids. If that happens, it will ruin me. I mean theirs always adpotion or whatever, but that takes forever and they probablly wouldn't let us have one any way because we don't make enough money. All I know is I have a HUGE baby fever and it better happen soon, or I might go cRaZy!

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